The first water planet of its kind in space
It resides in the constellation of the Dragon, and the liquid substance in it is 30 times greater than that on Earth
The first water planet of its kind in space 1370
Illustrative image of an exoplanet embracing water on its surface (NASA)
Perhaps the most exciting discovery in the series of discoveries of exoplanets , that is, they are outside our solar system, because it is the first time that scientists have discovered a planet made entirely of water. It is the planet of water, and the Canadian University of Montreal scientists called it “TOI 1452 b” TOI-1452 b, noting that “TOI” is a designation for the category of planets that can host water on its surface, not the water planet. "TOA 1452 b" is far from us, as it settles in the "Dragon Constellation", a part of our galaxy, the "Milky Way" seen in the northern part of the sky when it is clear.
"Water. Water. Water/Water everywhere, but not from a drinking point." It is the famous description from "An Old Seas' Poet" by the famous Second Romantic poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the words describe a ship that has stopped in a vast ocean, probably the Pacific Ocean, It was hit by thirst and killed the living in it. in space scienceHe promotes that if any object is thrown from space to Earth, it will most likely fall into the Pacific Ocean, the area of which exceeds all the land lands on the blue planet. All this water is on Earth, but it makes up only one percent of our planet's mass, even though it covers 70 percent of the Earth's surface. How is the situation in a planet similar to Earth, but the mass of water in it reaches 30 times what is contained in our blue planet, according to what was reported in the newspaper "The Independent"? This was not lost on Charles Cadier, a doctoral student in space physics who participated in the research. He stated that the discovered planet “constitutes the best candidate among the water-containing exoplanets, to be the ocean planet,” meaning that it is all a water body connected like a massive ocean.
So, let's go back for a moment to the first exoplanet tale referred to as an exoplanet. He discovered the first of them in 1992, causing a huge uproar as he stirred mythical, artistic and scientific fantasies about the existence of life and civilization on a planet other than Earth.
From all this noise, it may be useful to restore that space scientists stress the issue of the presence of water in any planet that is discovered outside Earth, because life, according to what human civilization knows, can only be with water, and therefore the term “golden strands” has been popular since that first discovery, He indicates that the planet Sayyar revolves around a star (ie, the sun) with a distance that is not close, so the water evaporates, and it is not remote and it freezes. TOA 1452b is located within the "golden strands", at the distance that separates it from its sun.
Let us also remember that TOA 1452b is not far from Earth, which is much larger and more massive. It is separated by only a hundred light years , noting that a light year is the distance that light travels in a year, with a speed of approximately 300,000 kilometers per second.
The discovery of this watery planet and its scientific importance increases the suspense and importance of the discovery that it revolves within a binary star system, that is, it revolves around two suns at the same time. And by extension, this "double" rotation makes it difficult to compare the planet "TOA 1452 b" and our blue planet, which revolves around one sun. The same thing also gives new dimensions to the possibility of hosting this aquatic "exoplanet" of living forms or species, although the presence of water supports this possibility.
The research on the discovery of "TOA 1452b" was published in the famous scientific "Astronomical Journal".