The Amazighs and the myth of Qahtan's personality
The science of archeology and the collapse of the Qahtan character myth:
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Arab nationalists claim that Qahtan, the grandfather of the Yemenis, is Yaqtan in the Israeli Torah, the lineage of Yaqtan in the Torah:
Ellip 22-30: "The children of Shem: Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Leud, and Aram. And to Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided. And his brother's name was Joktan. And Joktan begat: Elmudad, and Sheleph, and Hadramoth, and Jerah, and Hadoram, and Ozal, and Diklah, and Obal, and Jubil, and Bobaiah. All these were the sons of Joktan. And their dwelling was of Mesha, when you came toward Sephar, the mount of the East." 10.html
On the other hand, one of the greatest advocates of Arab nationalism, Mr. Ibrahim Alloush, says of those who were imbued with the criminal chauvinist (Baathist-Nasiri) nationalist ideology. The Berber with the likes of Othman Saadi stormed the field of the historical novel through the door of prayer on the tomb of the Berbers,
Ibrahim Alloush mentioned in his article (the Berbers (the Berbers) came from Yemen): To question and challenge his Arabness more than others... If we prove that the Amazighs (Berbers) are pure Arabs, the proof of the Arabness of the rest, from Egypt to Iraq to Syria to Sudan to Eritrea (which is mentioned here) becomes easier to achieve.
Those who established the thought of Arab nationalism in the fifties of the last century, after Arabizing the Levant and Mesopotamia of non-Arab origin, moved to the Arabization of the history and origins of northwestern Africa, the Amazigh countries, and began researching Arab and biblical mythical texts for the manufacture of ethnic origins and the eastern geographical affiliation of the Amazighs. So they claimed that the Berbers are the sons of Barr from the Yemeni Khmer tribes of Qahtaniyah , and of course all of them are lies of the historians of Yemen, as described by the imam historian Ibn Hazm
Al-Andalus, and Ibn Khaldun denied them
To one of the oldest historians of Yemen, who invented the lie of the Berber lineage of the Yemeni Qahtaniya donkeys, who are from the eighth and ninth century AD, and the first of them is the Yemeni Himyarite Hisham al-Kalbi
“Al-Kalbi” says: “The Kutama and Sanhaja are not from the Berber tribes, but are from the Yemeni peoples, left by Africash ibn Saifi in Ifriqiya, with those who descended from a garrison there
. The second historian is Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn Ahmad ibn Yaqoub al-Hamdani, who He referred to the lineage of the Berber Berbers to the Yemeni Qahtan Himyari, and this is in his book, Al-Ikleel,
When he mentioned the tribe of Lamtouna, of which the royal family bound in Morocco, he said that it is a leg of Sanhaja, and that Sahnajeh is from the sons of Abd Shams ibn Wael ibn Himyar, and that King Africish ibn Abraha, when the king of donkeys went out invading towards the Maghreb, and the land of Africa, and when he penetrated In Morocco he built an African city; It is derived from his name; He succeeded in it from the Himyar tribes and their leaders, the Sanhaja, to return the Berbers as they are, take their tax, and manage their affairs. It is said that Africanis is the one who called the inhabitants of Morocco Berber, because when he invaded him with his Himyarite people, and heard the rhetoric of its inhabitants, he said how many of their Berbers were, so they were called Berbers, and Berbers in the language of ambiguity, and a mixture of
incomprehensible sounds. Part Two, Investigation: Muhammad bin Ali Al-Akwa Al
-Hawali, 3rd Edition, Beirut, Al-Madina Publications, 1986, p. 94.
And the Yemeni historian al-Hakawati, "Al-Hamdani", said in the lineage of the tribes of Al-Hamisa bin Himyar Al-Akbar bin Saba Al-Akbar, the following: "As for Murrah bin Abd Shams, his father - as it is said, and God knows best - was Kutama, Uhama, Sanhaja, Luwata, and Zenit, and he is Zenata. The Berbers were taken with their master, Kani’ ibn Yazid, on the day that Africis diagnosed him, to Ifriqiya, and dismissed the benefactors from it
It did not occur to these Arab nationalists, old and new, that Berber militants would come after them, revealing the contradictions of the biblical narratives and the contradictions of Arab and Yemeni historians. This is the Arabic in which we write, until the command of Arabic scholars in Islam of course went to extract the Himyarite and other southern Yemeni dialects from Arabic. The strange thing is that the Arabs
do not know that Qahtan is a person attributed to him by the Yemenis, and they claim that he is the grandfather of the Berber Berbers, a myth that has no origin and does not exist except in their Yemeni-Israeli mythical narratives
They said that Qahtan, the father of the Arabs of Yemen, is Yaqtan, who was mentioned in the Torah bin Aber bin Shalah bin Arfakshad bin Sam bin Noah. In the Torah without any evidence other than a similarity in the melody of the two names, although in the same Torah it was mentioned in the name of Yaqshan and it was said that he was the father of the Sabaeans (Sheba). The Berbers (Amazighs) came,
but they ignored an important matter, which is the meaning of his name, he lives in the Torah and the Hebrew, so it is a small
meaning. They made him “the mighty one,” and they said, “and his name in the Torah is the mighty one.” , emphasizing assertiveness, and this is a lie
As in the Torah and among the People of the Book and in the Hebrew, it is the opposite. “Yaqtan” in the Torah is a word that means “younger,” which means “small,” and between small and mighty there is a great difference, and thus the young became mighty, and with this interpretation, the Yemeni Arab genealogists restored Prestige and prestige to "Qahtan"
And then they said that the Amalekites are a people of giants, huge in body. They are from the sons of Qahtan, and they also ignored that the Torah attributed Qahtan to the son of the Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him, meaning the same lineage of the Adnanite tribes and the Children of Israel
, Genesis, chapter 25: 1-3.
n the (Old Testament) we read: “Abraham returned and took a wife, her name was Keturah, and they had two children: , and scarred. And he begat Joshkan: (Sheba), and Dedan.” (3)
Hence, the Yemeni tribes are of that Abrahamic origin according to the Torah.
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That is why other historians said that Qahtan bin Al-Hamisa bin Tayman bin Nabat bin Isma’i is the same as what Hisham Al-Kalbi said in the 8th century AD . Among the Yemenis, “Al-Sharqi bin Al-Qatami”, “Nasr bin Zarou’ Al-Kalbi” and “Al-Haytham bin Adi” .
In the face of this confusion and gross contradictions in the Torah and in the words of Arab historians, old and new, about the origin of the Yemenis or the Qahtans, the science of archeology came, which is the sweet enemy of narratives and myths in the references of the Arabs, and it undermines the lie of the existence of a person named Qahtan.
The Qahtan tribe is mentioned in the Sabaean inscriptions of Yemen. Aqial (rulers) of Kinda and the rulers of the Sabaean settlement, the village of Kahelm and Qahtan, south of Najd
A picture of the Sebean inscription and the link to view it below
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Where the inscription also mentioned (Muawiyah bin Rabia Al (Thor) Al-Qahtani, King of Qahtan and Madhhaj), which means that the ruler himself is called Al-Qahtani. It is related to the region or village of Qahtan, and therefore it is the name of a kingdom and not the name of a people, as we say in Algeria, the artist Mustafa al-Anabi or Constantine, in relation to the place
and the sad part of religion. They say that Qahtan is the grandfather of the Sabaeans. As a village in Qahtan at the time of the Sabaeans, the inscription “Al Thawr” describes the Aqial/Rulers of Kinda as “the people of the villages of Kahlam and Qahtan,” meaning the owners of the village of Kahl and Qahtan, in the Sabean language.
For caution, the nun at the end of the word (Qahtan) is the definite article meaning a plus letter, so the name is “Qaht”. Therefore, the origin of the name Qahtan is due to the characteristic of the barren, barren land inhabited by Yemenis, and not in relation to a character named Qahtan
. We mention again that the Sabaeans did not attribute themselves to Qahtan before Islam but to Sheba, and Sheba was mentioned as a people, kingdom and land in the Assyrian and Roman texts and that they lived in the southwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula, meaning before the appearance of Abraham, peace be upon him, and before the appearance of the distorted Torah
regarding the Musnad inscription that mentioned the village of Qahtan . It
came in the inscription that there A Yemeni Sabaean king called Rabia bin Muawiyah Dhi al-Taur. He owned this region (Qahtan and Kahlan) in Yemen
. His royal title was the King of Kinda and Qahtan, but he disobeyed the orders of the Shebaan king, a poet of Utref, who took him off and brought him to Sana’a, shackled in chains. It was mentioned in the inscription of Al-Sa’i, the tenth line.
DAI Barʾān 2000-1
Reference The International Site of Yemeni Antiquities DAI

1 (S²)[ʿrm ʾwt]r mlk S¹bʾ [w-ḏ]
2 Rydn [bn ʿlh]n Nhfn mlk[ S¹]—
3 [b](ʾ) hqny ʾlmqh bʿl Ms¹kt w-(Yṯ)[w] (B )[r]—
4 [ʾn ṣlm](n)[... ...]
5 [... ...](n) ḏ-ḫr(s²)[ b](n )(Qrytm) ḏt Khlm ((Qrytm ḏt Khlm)) y—
6 wm ḍbʾ Ḫwln w-ʾs²ʿrn w-Yrfʾ w-Ḏḫrn
7 w-ḏ-bn ʾydw S¹whrn w-Kdt w-Qrytm wh—
8 rg bn hmt ʿs²ʿ bn mhrgm ḏ-s¹bym —
9 [s¹]m w-hʾtw Rbʿt bn Mʿwyt ḏ-ʾl Ṯwr—
10 [m ml]k Kdt w-Qḥṭn ʿdy hgrn Ṣn—
11 [ʿw ... .. .]
English translation
1 S²ʿrm ʾwtr king of Sabaʾ and ḏu
2 Raydān, son of ʿlhn Nhfn, king of
3 Sabaʾ, dedicated to ʾlmqh Lord of Ms¹kt w-Yṯw Brʾn
4 the statue [... ...]
5 [... ... ] that he carried from Qryt ḏt Khlm,
6 when he fought Ḫwln and the ʾs²ʿrn and Yrfʾ and Ḏḫrn
7 and some tribal groups of S¹whrn and Kinda and Qrytm and
8 among those tribes killed and made prisoners in great numbers
9 and he brought Rbʿt son of Mʿwyt of the clan Ṯwrm
10 king of Kinda and Qḥṭn to the town of
11 Ṣnʿw [... ...]
French translation
1 S²ʿrm ʾwtr roi de Sabaʾ et ḏu
2 Raydān, fils de ʿlhn Nhfn, roi de
3 Sabaʾ, dédié à ʾlmqh Seigneur de Ms¹kt w-Yṯw Brʾn
4 la statue [... ...]
5 [... ... ] qu'il emporta de Qryt ḏt Khlm,
6 quand il combattit Ḫwln et les ʾs²ʿrn et Yrfʾ et Ḏḫrn
7 et quelques groupes tribaux de S¹whrn et Kinda et Qrytm et
8 parmi ces tribus et ntena grandmother
9 am prison le fils de Rbʿt de Mʿwyt du clan Ṯwrm
10 roi de Kinda et Qḥṭn à la ville de
11 Ṣnʿw
Explanation of the text

The Sabian inscription confirms that King Sha’ir Uttar of Sheba went to subjugate neighboring kingdoms that rebelled against Yemeni sovereignty while the kings were preoccupied with internal wars. The inscription of the Temple of Baran bearing the symbol DAI Barʾān 2000-1 has been transmitted to us, in which King Sha’ir Uttar says that he gifted the gods a statue of booty he obtained in The village of Dhat Kahl on the day he fought the tribes of Khawlan, Al-Ash’ir, Rafa and Dhukher, who stood by the tribes of Al-Sawaher, as he fought Kinda and Qurayyah.

The image of the Sabaean inscription
The summary of the research is that there is no character in the history of Yemen called Qahtan, but rather it is a region and land of an ancient kingdom. The old Yemenis claimed that he was Qahtan and that he was the one mentioned by the Israeli Torah. Then the Arab nationalists came and attributed the Berbers to a mythical figure that does not exist named Qahtan