The American historian Frank Joseph proves in his book that the Amazighs discovered America before Columbus
The American historian Frank Joseph proves in his book that the Amazighs discovered America before Columbus 1400
This is a part of the history of the Great Discoveries completely hidden from textbooks. In 2003, a book of great importance for the history of the Amazighs (Berbers) was released in the United States without any channel or newspaper talking about it in the countries of North Africa.
This is the book written by the American historian by the name of Frank Joseph, who documented the discovery in southern Illinois, in the Midwest of the United States, of a cave containing priceless treasure directly related to our history. Amazigh. This is the lost treasure of King Juba II.
We all learned at school that the great navigator Christopher Columbus officially discovered America in the year 1492. However, this discovery proves that the Amazighs discovered the American continent centuries before Christopher Columbus!
The American historian Frank Joseph proves in his book that the Amazighs discovered America before Columbus 1135
Statue of Amazigh King Juba II – 25 BC. J.-C. – 23 a.d. J.-C.
For this reason, this discovery, made in 1982, caused a stir in American archaeological circles. Between those who were amazed by the discovery and those who remained skeptical, there was a real controversy about it, according to Philip Coppens, Belgian author and journalist, specialist in alternative history.
The book is in English “The lost treasure of King Juba: The evidence of Africans in America before Columbus” . It could be translated into French: "The Lost Treasure of King Juba: Proof of the Presence of Africans in America Before Columbus".
The American historian Frank Joseph proves in his book that the Amazighs discovered America before Columbus 1136
The Lost treasure of King Juba – The Evidence of Africans in America before Columbus – Frank Joseph
It is therefore the story of a cave in southern Illinois with a mysterious treasure and proof of the presence of Amazighs in North America, long before Christopher Columbus! The relatively deep cave led into an underground corridor lined with oil lamps, the ceiling black with smoke. The 150 meter long tunnel led to several chambers.
To illustrate his discovery, the author has included in his book a hundred photographs of the objects discovered. In addition, it tells how King Juba II and his Amazigh (Mauretanian) sailors traveled across the Atlantic.
The American historian Frank Joseph proves in his book that the Amazighs discovered America before Columbus 1401
Illustration of ships used to reach the American continent
So in 1982, Russell E. Burrows, a treasure hunter living in southern Illinois, stumbled upon a cache of previously unknown ancient weapons. There he found jewels and golden sarcophagi in a deep cave. There were also stone tablets inscribed...
The American historian Frank Joseph proves in his book that the Amazighs discovered America before Columbus 1402
Amazigh currency found in Illinois in the United States of America
Burrows is said to have found and removed numerous gold artifacts. These seem authentic and contain traces of writing in Tifinagh Amazigh and Latin characters. This now famous discoverer removed more than 7000 objects (artifacts) from the cave.
The American historian Frank Joseph proves in his book that the Amazighs discovered America before Columbus 1403
A gold ingot with Tifinagh alphabet inscriptions found in Illinois