Distillation of rose water in Blida: a heritage threatened with extinction
Distillation of rose water in Blida: a heritage threatened with extinction 1478
The distillation of rose water and flowers is one of the ancestral crafts of the wilaya of Blida , whose famous name of “city of roses” is directly inspired by this fragrant plant.
A trade nevertheless threatened with extinction due to the lack of raw materials, believe the few craftsmen who still continue to perpetuate this activity dear to their hearts.
These craftsmen assured the APS that their attachment to this profession aims to protect this cultural heritage, once endowed with a commercial character, deploring, however, the difficulty of acquiring different types of roses and flowers.
This is the case of Mohamed Harzeli, a member of the “Kounouz” cultural association, exercising this profession with his wife “which is beginning to lose its luster, due to the reluctance of young people to learn it, on the one hand, and the lack of raw materials, on the other hand”, he underlined.
Nostalgic, this craftsman evoked the “beautiful era” of the city of roses, when the streets and orchards smelled of roses and flowers, especially jasmine, which made the reputation of the municipalities of Chiffa (West) and Chebli (East) , before deploring the “almost total disappearance” of these fragrant plants currently from the landscape of these localities, negatively affecting the craftsmanship of distilling jasmine water, highly prized by enthusiasts of the estate.
Added to this is the disappearance of a multitude of other types of flowers used in the distillation of flower water, including violets and roses, which are difficult to find in sufficient quantities.

The craftsman Harzeli (53), who learned this trade since childhood from a specialist in the field of the Casbah of Algiers , cited among his most important sources of supply of raw materials, sour orange trees (bitter orange trees) along the arteries of the city center (Bab Essebt and Bab Dzair) and the municipality of Beni Merad, “which unfortunately do not provide me with enough raw materials”, he observed, complaining that the local authorities do not ensure the regular maintenance of these trees, to make them more profitable.
Same story with Mrs. Radhia Belbey, another guardian of this ancestral profession dear to the city of roses, who also deplored the lack of raw materials that had a negative impact on her activity.
The craftswoman, who expressed her fear of seeing this profession disappear, explained to APS that the distillation of rose water extends over the entire collection period (known as El Kettaf), from March to the first fortnight of May.
The floral water comes from the water of condensation recovered from the essence of the still, a kind of copper decantation vase, put on the fire for at least four hours, the time necessary for the vaporization of the water and to its condensation with a view to its transformation into fragrant water droplets.
project to modernize the profession to attract younger generations
According to Lhadj Meshoub, director of culture of Blida, efforts are currently being made to preserve the tangible and intangible cultural heritage, through the implementation of a project aimed in particular at modernizing the business of distilling water from flowers and de rose, with the aim of encouraging young people to invest in this sector.
The manager explained that his management has received correspondence from the supervisory ministry for the proposal of projects aimed at protecting crafts from disappearance.
“Following which our choice was focused on the profession of distillation of rose water and flowers, considering that it is at the top of the list of ancestral professions threatened with extinction in Blida, and a small number of wilayas, notably Constantine and Tipasa (Koléa),” he said.
Mr. Meshoub pointed out the inclusion of this project within the framework of the “PROFAS C+” institutional partnership program launched by the French Embassy in Algeria and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, relating to the identification of institutional partnership projects between French and Algerian public entities.
"The approval of this project, which also aims to rehabilitate the perfume business, should allow the initiation of actions for the modernization of the business of distilling rose water and flowers", added the director of Culture,
Internships will also be organized for the benefit of craftsmen and young people wishing to learn this trade, with supervision provided by specialized university researchers and teachers, while benefiting from foreign expertise.
This proposed project for inclusion in the “Profas C+” program also aims to find appropriate solutions to the problem of shortage of raw materials, due to the decline in flower cultivation in the region, said Mr. Meshoub.
“It also aims to encourage young people to invest in the activities of distillation of rose water and flowers and perfumery”, underlined the same official, recalling that the city of Blida had many laboratories of extraction of essential oils of roses and jasmine, formerly used in perfumery, before their cessation of activities, also due to the lack of raw materials, he lamented.
