The culture and in the Amazigh folklore
The culture and in the Amazigh folklore 1289 
None of the thinkers, scientists, not even philosophers has been able to give a precise or specific definition of the universe. Rather, each one explains the universe according to his opinion and theories. Cosmic is a term that symbolizes religious and philosophical concepts about the universe and what applies to it in all different respects. And the will of God the Creator, and therefore it affirms that this entire universe is at the disposal of its Creator alone. It means that the philosophical concept of universality denotes everything that is humanly in common, which is both a human and philosophical demand, and this concept is transferred to the sum of principles and values ​​such as human rights, justice, freedom and others. and diversify their characteristics. Talking about the universe is long and ramifications, and if we want to talk about space science and the universe, we need to establish this science through our understanding of the starting moment, and the beginning is the origin
? of the universe. How did it arise? And what is our position from it
 What are the most important theories that have passed, and
? perceptions of the universe through historical times
Theories about the emergence of the universe can be summed up in two schools: the first is that the universe is as it is, with a beginning and an end, which neither evolves nor changes, and the second is that the universe evolves, has a beginning and may have an end.
The Amazigh culture in general is like all the world cultures that talked about the universe and its secrets, strangeness and instincts..the universe..or the world and in the Amazigh circulated...donit...or is not new in the Amazigh popular culture...the Amazighs have spoken of the universe and nature. Many proverbs have been reported about this strange and strange universe that continues to baffle scientists, researchers and other human beings.The study of the universe is not ontologically separated from the study of the self, which constitutes one of the original products of the universe, and perhaps the study of the universe and its mysteries is the key to understanding the self, and this what I see expresses the deep content of Socrates’ sentence that man knows himself, and this what I see expresses the rich content of the studies of the Greek philosophers and before them Religious myths to solve the mystery of cosmic existence and at the same time enter the deep realm of the self, and from this particular point of view I find the historical intersection between cosmology and philosophy, both of them express a holistic approach to understanding, and both are based on questions, hypotheses, theories and fantasies of possible worlds, and it suffices to understand the deep intersection between monads Leibniz’s philosophical and Averett cosmological worlds, the philosophical concept of time with the time of general relativity, the universality of Spinoza’s algebraic inclusivity with the concepts of the fixed universe, the theory of goodness according to Plato or the emptiness of Democritus or God of Leibniz, which all play the same role in the cosmological theory, and the ancient balls music’s perceptions of the universe atPythagoreanism with the cosmic superstring theory, which proposes that the microscopic scene of matter is engulfed by minute strings whose patterns of vibrations control the evolution of the universe, to see the extent of the historical intersection between the two types of knowledge. ..donate where he said
Adonit Atar Laman Ayasarg n Danubi
Adonit Atar Aman Ayasgni Ilan G Labour
I treacherously treacherous Wali Iban Abu Nezahat
Ebno I was watching over Ido Q Akal Ayazdeg Jes
Aameksa Rad and Wali Yagozalak Youssafir Ghardian
Aghadar Ahan Ahan for my account
. So that man forgets his Creator, as stated in this wonderful old Sufi poem.
A person should be like a shepherd who tends the sheep and works hard so that his sheep do not cross these limits. There is another proverb that was said in the language of the animal and strikes among people, where he said Al
-Qunfud.. and in Berber...Bumhanad...or Einissi
Eina Boumhand...Al-Qunfud said...
Dunite Ore accustomed to Eimi Orat Avig ... The universe
according to the proverb is infinite and there is no door to get out of it
and came to the same animal any hedgehog
Eina Boumhand ... Al-Qunfud said
Donet Iyad Datzigiz Khar Tsaqlai.
This popular proverb comes from an old Berber story that took place between the urchin and his bear companion when they were wandering until they were thirsty. So the hedgehog thought of a trick, so he went down in a bucket to the bottom of a well and drank until he was full. Then the bear said to him, my friend Here in this bottom there are many sheep.. When the bear heard this narration, he went down in another bucket at the time when the hedgehog entered into another bucket, and when they met in the middle, he said to him, the bear, where to go, my friend. The hedgehog replied, “This is the state of the world. Alone at the bottom of the well and around the world or the universe, one of the ancient poets says, “The world is like the world with tapestry, and the strings are like days and seasons with iron, and reeds with rain.” And this is in a wonderful poetic verse where he says, “
Tga Donet
Ozta Gon Osan Evalan Gon
Eizmaz Zal Eyg Azal
their songs.”
Another poet said, “My father considered the universe or the world to be a field and in turn humans, and the harvest is Azrael, who reaps the
of people . ” Like the one who thought that the world was milk, and he found water , and there is another proverb that was said in the language of the chameleon..and in Tamazight..kasha..or Mahbush. The chameleon said...we are kasha .. my heart hurts Sars harms orn sark you try to donate, that is, walk slowly so that it does not turn against you The world and as a general, the universe or the world was taken up by the popular proverb in the past, and the Amazigh was able to question the universe and nature and the secrets it holds,
The culture and in the Amazigh folklore 1---11
Amazigh researcher: Al-Hassan aaba 
 references - Sources
• The Universe - Written by David Bergamini - The Life Scientific Library - Beirut - 1971.
• The Universe - Written by Colin Ronan - Al Ahlia for Publishing and Distribution - Beirut - 1980.
Note... All these popular proverbs and stories about this universe are still in circulation today in Taznakht and its aspects.