68Times faster than sound. An asteroid the size of Burj Khalifa passes near Earth
  68Times faster than sound. An asteroid the size of Burj Khalifa passes near Earth 11536
68 times faster than sound. An asteroid the size of Burj Khalifa passes near Earth
A "potentially dangerous" asteroid, with a diameter approximately the size of the world's tallest skyscraper (Burj Khalifa), will pass near Earth next week, according to "usatoday" website, Sunday.
And the “livescience” website reported a few days ago that the asteroid, called “2022 RM4”, ranges between 330-740 meters in length, which is slightly less than the length of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. The asteroid will pass near Earth at a speed of about 52,500 miles per hour (84,000 kilometers per hour), or nearly 68 times the speed of sound.
The actual distance between the Earth and the asteroid is six times the distance between the Earth and the Moon, according to "Forbes", which is a very close (distance) by cosmic standards. The asteroid will come within approximately 1.43 million miles of Earth when it reaches its closest point on November 1.
Astronomers, through the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System in Haleakala, Hawaii, discovered 2022 RM4 on September 12, according to Forbes magazine. It is classified by a NASA laboratory as a "near-Earth object (...) and a potentially dangerous asteroid."
The asteroid will get close enough and will be large enough for astronomers to image it with telescopes.
?Will he hit the ground
In its answer to this question, NASA says, No, and estimated the trajectories of all near-Earth objects over the next hundred years, and determined that the planet does not face a known risk of a terrible asteroid collision, according to "usatoday".
Source: websites