Contribution: The kingdom of Koukou (1514 – 1730), a forgotten history
The kingdom of Koukou (1514 – 1730), a forgotten history 11580
Who has not heard of the kingdom of Koukou, this small monarchy, which knew, for a period relatively close to us, to reign as absolute master in all Kabylie, whose impact reached the north giving thereby, a name for a mountain in Algiers that is still called today ''Djebel Koukou''.
The Koukou village is part of the ârch of Ath Yahia, which is today a commune of the daïra of Aïn El Hammam, located on the RN 71 linking Aïn El Hemmam to Azazga. The village of Koukou, which culminates at 940m above sea level, remains one of the rare regions of Kabylia which still fully preserves its habits and customs and which attracts a considerable number of people each year, who, coming as pilgrims, who, in simple visitor to see firsthand, the last vestiges of a kingdom founded towards the end of the 16th century.
The kingdom of Koukou (1514 – 1730), a forgotten history 1-208
Sidi Ahmed Ou El Kadi who flew to the aid of Aroudj Barberousse, in his fight against the Spanish, decided just after the battle to return to the land of his ancestors and settled with his family in this village where he had to found his first kingdom. The esteem of his family and in particular his ancestor, the marabout, Abou El Abbas certainly earned him a more than triumphant return and found no difficulty in finding the necessary help among his compatriots and therefore never sought to return to his former kingdom.
In order to quickly build his new kingdom, he did not hesitate to gather around him all those who wished to fight under his orders and who agreed to serve him as king with all the respect due to his rank.
The village of Koukou knew its hours of glory and the dynasty of Ath El Kadi, will reign without any difficulty until 1527, while the definitive extinction of the kingdom will intervene in 1750, after the royal family had known major dissensions, due to the division of property between two princely branches.

Nowadays, the kingdom of Koukou is no longer what it used to be except for a village almost lost in the confines of Djurdjura. The few vestiges still standing are the only witnesses of its famous, glorious past full of secrets. There is in particular the sanctuary of Aït Yahia on the very location of Koukou called ''Taqourabt Bou El Kadi" and that of Achallam, which each year brings together all the descendants of the Ath El Kadi who come to pray on the land of the ancestors.
This picturesque site, intertwined between villages and hills, deserves to be visited and revisited, just as its history will deserve to be read, re-read and taught in our schools. A piece of our history that is missing like a piece of a puzzle.
The Koukou village is part of the ârch of Ath Yahia, which is today a commune of the daïra of Aïn El Hammam, located on the RN 71 linking Aïn El Hemmam to Azazga.
The village of Koukou, which culminates at 940m above sea level, remains one of the rare regions of Kabylia which still fully preserves its habits and customs and which attracts a considerable number of people each year, who, coming as pilgrims, who, in simple visitor to see firsthand, the last vestiges of a kingdom founded towards the end of the 16th century.

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