V. Putin, the new Lawrence of Arabia
V. Putin, the new Lawrence of Arabia 11631
The Arab-American alliance: the end of a stage
« En Arabie, nous sommes tous des projets de Djihadistes, et chaque arabe Saoudien est l’équivalent de 1000 Afghans, c’est un message à tous ceux qui nous menacent», c’est le cousin du prince Saoudien Mohamed Ben Salmane (MBS), Mr Saoud Al Shaalan, Himself, qui a fait cette déclaration le 16 octobre 2022 sur ordre certainement de MBS en réponse à la fois aux menaces du président américain Joe Biden qui a déclaré à la CNN que « l’Arabie n’est plus un pays allié de confiance et qu’elle sera sanctionnée sévèrement en conséquence» et à la tempête sans précédente qu’a lancé le Congrès américain contre l’Arabie. Vidéo du cousin du prince MBS :

Indeed, the Americans - especially the Democrats - found themselves humiliated and betrayed by MBS, who last July promised them a production increase of 1 million barrels per day but five months later, he gathered all his Arab allies behind Putin and decided at OPEC+ to !reduce production by 2 million barrels per day
This is exactly the opposite of the Western vision, which seeks an additional production of 12 million barrels per day to offset Russian production and pass the sanctions on Russia.
And on the other hand, this action also aims to weaken the Democrats in the next elections of November 8, 2022 and favor the Republicans who had the audacity during the Trump era to tear up the nuclear agreements with Iran, for 500 billion Saudi dollars. A decision that has become very costly for the West today, because if Iran has been cleared of customs since 2016, it will be able today to compensate for Russian production, knowing well that it is ranked second after Russia in terms of oil reserves far beyond Arabia.
The Arab-American alliance: the beginning of another stage
American journalist Becky Anderson of CNN, held an interview with Saudi Princess Madame Reema Bint Bandar Al Saud, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the United States, on the future relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia following its deterioration by this decision of OPEC+, a decision which corresponds to Russian interests. The princess replied that the Arabia of today is no longer that of yesterday and that it is better to review the relations between the two countries on new bases. The interview:

Which shows that either Arabia and its allies have decided to leave the West to join the new eastern world being built by Russia and China, or that it is aiming at the loss of the democrats and the return of their Republican friends to power in the US who have the advantage of being able to sell their political decisions with money, such as the case of the nuclear agreements with Iran which were torn up in front of the cameras of the American allies who signed the agreements for 500 billion dollars. The bill is borne by Arabia.
?How Vladimir Putin became the new Lawrence of Arabia
On the political background, what Vladimir Putin has achieved in the Middle East today is identical to the feat of Lawrence of Arabia. A century ago, in 1916 during the First World War, Mr Thomas Edward Lawrence - a British army officer - known by Lawrence of Arabia had succeeded in uniting the Arabs of the Middle East around him to launch a revolt against their own Islamic Ummah guided at the time by the Ottoman Empire. This immediately weakened the Umma, Hitler's ally, to tip the First World War in favor of the West. This Arab revolt against the Islamic Oumma, will deeply mark the Turks who will elect Atatürk, the one who will break with the Arabs and make a big turn towards the West on all levels, even the Turkish alphabet has been changed.
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Today, it is Mr Vladimir Putin - a former Russian intelligence officer - who has managed to play the same role in the same place and at the same time: in the Middle East, in October and in full preparation for the third world war. He therefore deserves the title of the new Lawrence of Arabia.
More than that, this new Lawrence of Arabia has achieved what he could not do the first. Indeed, US President Joe Biden with a large US delegation including Nancy Pelosi, head of congress, left Arabia on July 15, 2022, after being reassured by their Arab Gulf allies, all brought together by Mohamed Bin Salman (MBS ), that they are committed to increasing oil production. Arabia alone can go up to +1 million barrels per day more. But MBS confirms that beyond that, it is a problem of capacity limitation and not of political orientation. Bidden even rubbed his hands in front of the cameras in victory for his energy policy to avoid soaring prices,
But on October 16, 2022, not even three months later, the new Lawrence of Arabia destroyed all American cards and even reversed the situation. Which is a great humiliation for the Americans and especially the democrats who trampled on their democratic principles and especially for MBS who was the actor of the stupidest assassination in the world. Even Trump, MBS's friend, said so publicly despite his intimate relationship with him.
In the eyes of the Americans: this is the third betrayal
The first betrayal of the Gulf countries took place 49 years ago during the first oil crisis of October 16, 1973, when the member countries of OPEC met and decided on a 70% increase in oil prices. and a gradual reduction of 5% per month in production. Four days later, on October 20, Saudi Arabia even proclaimed an embargo on the United States in reaction to American support for Israel in the Yom Kippur war launched by the Arab military coalition against Israel. This although Saudi Arabia and the US are bound by the Quincy agreements signed on February 14, 1945 and which last until 2005. These agreements are summarized in Saudi oil for the Americans and in exchange the security of Al Saud and their leadership over the so-called Arab-Muslim world is the responsibility of the Americans. The only unresolved dispute is the Palestine-Israel problem. For King Abdelaziz Bin Saud, he has only one simple solution to the problem of the Holocaust and that is for the Jewish state to be installed in Bavaria and outside the Arab world. Roosevelt, the American president, trying to convince King Abdelaziz of the need for the state of Israel since it is their native land, but without result. 28 years later, it was the second betrayal during the attacks of September 11, 2001. The day after the attacks, the Americans found themselves surprised to discover, according to the FBI, that the friendly allies of the Gulf: Arabia, the Emirates and Qatar are directly involved! initially the only information revealed is that 70% of the terrorists are Saudis and the rest of the information, 28 pages of the FBI investigation, remained state secret until July 14, 2016. These pages which will reveal the evidence of involvement of Arabia and the Emirates. Today the file is in the hands of the American justice for which the congress passed a special law called JASTA (Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act) passed in April 2016.
The third betrayal is today, on the morning of October 16, 2022, MBS decided to side with Putin, supporting him and his friend the Emir of the Emirates -the three big players- within of the organization of OPEC+ to pass the vote for a reduction in oil production. This made the oil price increase already by $5 USD the same week.
As a result, the American president, shocked by the action of MBS and his friend MBZ (Mohamed Ben Zayed) who even made a support visit to the new Lawrence of Arabia in Saint Petersburg.
The underside of the cards
The journalist's Turkish fiancée, Hatice Cengiz, and the Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) association, which she had founded in the United States, had filed a complaint in 2020 in the United States against MBS and other Saudi officials in based on the FBI report on the case that President Bidden made available to the public upon arriving at the White House. Magistrate John Bates, before summoning MBS, he writes to the white house asking whether or not MBS has judicial immunity and asks for a response by 8/2022. But the White House, and before this deadline, requests an extension of the deadline until October 13, 2022. Then requests another extension until November 15. Here, it should be noted in passing that the congress elections will take place on 8 November. But on October 16, that is to say 3 days before the October 13 deadline, MBS decides to make Putin the new Lawrence of Arabia in reaction to the White House. And on September 27, his father appointed him to an official position as head of government.
Two weeks after the American elections, where the Democrats emerged as winners contrary to what was expected, on November 28 the White House wrote to the judge confirming that MBS did in fact benefit from judicial immunity. And on December 6, the judge dismissed this complaint.
But this classification cannot be without cost to pay. As for the oil crisis, the West finally found a solution by agreeing to cap Russian oil at $60 USD, which caused the price of a barrel to fall to $76 USD a week later.

Source: websites