8َAmazing facts, information and secrets about South America

Fun facts and information about South America
Amazing facts and secrets about South America:
The world knew South America for the first time when Christopher Columbus set foot on its lands for the first time in 1498, but the civilization of the South American continent existed many years before that, as the Inca Empire possessed its charming art and architecture around Peru, Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile and Colombia.
South America is home to one of the oldest civilizations in the world and is one of the most beautiful parts of the Earth in terms of environmental diversity. South America has the most picturesque landscapes, lush forests, panoramic beaches, marble caves, an unparalleled number of plant and animal species. It is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful continents on this planet.
South America is the fourth largest continent in the world after Asia, Africa and North America with an area of 17.84 million square kilometres. Most of the countries of South America are located in the western and southern hemispheres. However, Guyana, French Guiana, Venezuela, Suriname, parts of Ecuador, parts of Brazil, and almost all of Colombia are located in the Northern Hemisphere.
The South American continent includes 12 countries and 3 affiliated territories. Brazil is the largest country in South America and the fifth largest in the world with an area of 8.516 million square kilometers.
Suriname is the smallest independent country in South America with an area of 163,820 square kilometres. French Guiana is the smallest land in South America with an area of only 91,000 square kilometres, but it is French territory after all.

South America meets the Caribbean Sea in the north, the Atlantic Ocean in the east and the Pacific Ocean in the west. The Isthmus of Panama perfectly connects North and South America.
South America is the fourth most populous continent in the world with 434.9 million people living in it. Brazil is the most populous country with a population of about 212 million.
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South america
There are several different languages spoken in South America. Due to the Spanish colonization of the region from the 15th to the 19th centuries, Spanish is the most spoken language in South America with 210 million speakers, and is ahead of Portuguese by a few million.
Indigenous languages such as Quechua spoken by six to eight million speakers are still practiced throughout the Andean region.
South America boasts a large number of large rivers such as the Paraná, Paraguay, Rio Negro and Orinoco rivers, in addition to the second longest river in the world - the Amazon River - which runs through South America and is one of the seven natural wonders of the world.
Starting in the Peruvian Andes, the waters of the Amazon River and its tributaries flow through Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil, before completing a journey of more than 6,300 km.
The fresh waters of South America provided suitable ground for the growth of rainforests. Tropical South America represents the largest concentration of tropical rainforests in the world. The Amazon rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world covering about 5.5 million square kilometers of the continent and spread across 8 countries in South America.
There are many other rainforests of immense beauty in South America, such as the Caatinga rainforest that lies around the São Francisco River in Brazil and the Valdivian temperate rainforest covering 248,100 square kilometers in Chile and Argentina.
South america  :
South America is the only continent where you can find a mountain range running the entire length of its western side; The Andes Mountains are the longest continental mountain range in the world with a length of 7,000 km and pass through 7 countries: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. The Andes have two different climatic zones: the Wet Andes and the Dry Andes.
Within the Andes mountain range there are many of the highest mountains in the world, with a height of Mount Aconcagua in the Andes about 7,000 meters, and it is the highest mountain in the world outside the continent of Asia.
The summit of Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador in the Andes Mountains where the Earth's bulge is the farthest point on Earth from the center of the Earth. It is the closest point on earth to the stars.
South america :
South America has the eighth largest desert in the world, the Patagonian Desert. The Patagonian Desert extends from the Andes Mountains in the west to the Atlantic Ocean in the east with an area of 572,883 square kilometers in Argentina, but the Atacama Desert in Chile is famous for being the driest non-polar place on Earth, being empty Entirely from animals. and plant life.
The Amazon rainforest alone is home to a tenth of all animal species in the entire world including some of the best in the wild like jaguars, anteaters and the famous piranha.
South America is one of the world's most vulnerable to earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes, especially in Chile, western Argentina, western Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela.
South America is known for its love of soccer and among them, Argentine legends Diego Maradona, Lionel Messi, and Brazilian superstars Pele and Ronaldinho.
The World Cup has been held in South America 5 times. Twice in Brazil in 1950 and 2014, Uruguay in 1930, Chile in 1962 and Argentina in 1978.
The most famous and most important tourist attractions in South America:
Uyuni Salt Flat - Bolivia:
Ioni is one of the most beautiful sites on earth. It is believed that the Uyuni Salt Flat is the result of the evaporation of a prehistoric lake, which with an area of about 11,000 square kilometers of bright white salt is the largest salt lake in the world. A third of the world's reserves of salt or lithium.
Despite the fact that the site is the largest salt desert in the world and the largest salt pool in the world and represents a third of the world's reserves of lithium, the Salar de Uyuni is considered one of the most beautiful landscapes and gives you a distinct feeling as if you are walking or wandering on the clouds.
Canaima National Park - Venezuela:
Welcome to the third largest national park in the world covering 30,000 square kilometres. It is home to the highest waterfall on earth: Angel Falls, which reaches a height of 979 meters, Angel Falls in Venezuela, the highest waterfalls in the world, and a candidate to be one of the natural wonders of the world and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Angel Falls is located in Venezuela, specifically in the border area with Brazil, Angel Falls is 19 times higher than Niagara Falls in Canada.
Marble Caves - Chile:
It is a group of caves made of blue marble, formed by running water over hundreds of years, which catches the eye just by looking at it. This cave is considered one of the most attractive places for tourism in this region, as it is indeed one of the most beautiful and wonderful caves in the world in terms of colors and shape.
The Marble Caves in Chile are one of the most extraordinary sites in the world. Water has slowly carved the hard rock over the years in General Carrera Lake into these mesmerizing colorful shapes.
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Blue Marble Caves Chile
The walls of these caves reflect the turquoise color of the waters of Lake General Carrier in Patagonia, Chile. If you look at the pictures of these wonderful caves, you will be certain that they are a painting by one of the creators of plastic art. They are truly a natural marvel made by the creator of the universe.
Redeemer Jesus - Brazil:
The Statue of the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro is one of the most popular tourist attractions in South America.
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Statue of Christ the Redeemer
Christ the Redeemer on Mount Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro, a 38-meter statue recognized as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.
Machu Picchu, Peru:
Machu Picchu, Journey to the mysterious 15th century Inca fortress of Machu Picchu. It was built by the Inca Empire with polished dry stones around 1450 AD in the Andes Mountains, at an altitude of about 7,000 feet above sea level, and all the facilities and buildings of Machu Picchu are of large granite, stacked on top of each other. Not only that, the city of Machu Picchu has organized streets, palaces and temples Unique architectural and engineering character.
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Machu Picchu Peru
This place will leave you amazed with the interesting details of how people manage to move heavy rocks without using any high tech vehicles, how they can cut rocks so precisely and make them fit together so perfectly that not even a sheet of paper can fit between them. No wonder this place is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World as well as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Salt Cathedral - Colombia:
A hidden gem in South America that was carved entirely out of salt in a former Zipaquirá salt mine some 600 feet underground.
Working underground was a huge challenge, but the effort has paid off into architectural marvels that will blow your mind. It is even called the "First Wonder of Colombia".
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Columbia Salt Cathedral
The Salt Cathedral in the municipality of Zipaquirá in Colombia, which was excavated in a salt mine in the year 1950, and is 182 meters underground. The purpose of digging this cathedral was to provide a place for prayer for the miners before they went to work. In 2014, the Nueveochenta Gallery acquired this space and transformed it into a center for contemporary arts.
Zipaquirá miners and religious figures in this heavily Catholic country pushed the Colombian government to convert this miraculous site into a church in 1953.
Amazing fact:
In 2011, Brazilian scientists announced at a meeting of the Geophysical Society in Rio de Janeiro the discovery of a new river "underneath" the Amazon River. The Rio Hamza or the Hamza River - named after the chief scientist who discovered the underground water flow - is a subterranean river located 4 kilometers below the Amazon River.
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Amazon River
Scientists believe that it has the same length as the Amazon. Rather, it goes in the same direction, but the Hamza River is hundreds of !times wider than the Amazo

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