“Awal” is an Amazigh song that is open to world civilizations
 “Awal” is an Amazigh song that is open to world civilizations 1-647
The song (Awal), which means the heart in Amazigh, was released by the Towada Physio group, and it was performed by young men from the southeast of Morocco, the Tawab Radwan, and it was produced with very simple means, but the artistic idea is huge.
The ambitious director, Radwan Al-Tawab, took the idea of mixing the Amazigh culture with the Western culture of the Vikings in the video clip, which made the work deviate from the stereotypes repeated in music videos.
The mixing of music appeared clearly, as it installed different musical styles, including the rock style and the sound of drums in the style of Viking music, and the music in this song was based on an Amazigh rhythm.

In the video, the young director engraved the idea of the struggle of Amazigh women, especially in the colonial era, in which women played a pivotal role.

Source : websites