Educational practices in the Amazigh language: a field study
Educational practices in the Amazigh language: a field study 1-651
From the publications of the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture, (Center for Didactic Research and Pedagogical Programs), coordinated by Ahmed Al-Baghdadi, Abdel Salam Khalfi, edited by Benaissa Yasho.
The study (161 pages) was done by the professors: Aknaw Fatima, Aqa Kamal, Bouzandak Abdallah, Al-Baghdadi Mhamed, Al-Barakani Bushra, Khalfi Abd Al-Salam, Al-Saghir Mustafa, Al-Ghalb Al-Hussein, Yeshu Benaissa.
The study comes to constitute another breakthrough in the course of deepening the culture of evaluation in the Moroccan school, and to devote the approach to integrating the Amazigh language within the national system of education and training as well as in the priority areas of life, which is among the efforts that the government aims to make in activating the official character of the Amazigh language, and providing officials with information and field data. Practical recommendations and suggestions to help them make appropriate decisions for the advancement of teaching the Amazigh language.
Educational practices in the Amazigh language: a field study 1-627
Among its objectives, the study also aims to deepen the knowledge of specialists about the reality of teaching the Amazigh language, and to draw a clear picture regarding this reality. Similar to the two previous studies carried out by the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture, between 2010 and 2016.
Among the topics adopted by this book in its four chapters: the theoretical and conceptual framework of the study, the quantitative data of the study on how to develop reading strategies, the qualitative data of the study on how to develop reading strategies, and finally the reading and interpretation of the results of the study in the light of some variables.

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