!An exciting discovery of a 4,500-year-old palace from the Sumerian civilization in Iraq
!An exciting discovery of a 4,500-year-old palace from the Sumerian civilization in Iraq 1-291
Archaeologists have discovered a 4,500-year-old palace in Iraq that is believed to hold the key to understanding one of the first known civilizations. Sumerian civilization.
The palace of the lords of the kings of the ancient Sumerian city of Girsu was discovered last year, along with more than 200 cuneiform tablets, and a temple dedicated to the Sumerian god "Ningirsu" was also found.
The discovery is the result of Project Girsu, an archaeological collaboration established in 2015, led by the British Museum and funded by the Getty Museum in Los Angeles.

Archaeologists have discovered a 4,500-year-old palace in the ancient city of Girsu in southern Iraq, and it is believed to hold the key to unlocking more information about one of the first known civilizations.
British and Iraqi archaeologists found the Lourdes Palace of the ancient Sumerian kings of the ancient Sumerian city of Girsu last year, following the discovery as part of the Girsu Project, an archaeological collaboration established in 2015 led by the British Museum and funded by the Getty Museum in the United States.
!An exciting discovery of a 4,500-year-old palace from the Sumerian civilization in Iraq 1-292
The discovery of the palace and more than 200 cuneiform tablets is the result of eight seasons of fieldwork. The first brick walls of the palace were discovered last year and are now in the Iraq Museum in Baghdad. In addition to the discovery of the palace and the tablets, the main temple dedicated to the Sumerian god "Ninĝirsu" was identified. Prior to this groundbreaking fieldwork, the temple's existence was known only from ancient inscriptions unearthed along with the first successful excavation of the ancient city.
Girsu is one of the oldest known cities in human history and was built by the ancient Sumerians, who invented writing between 3500 and 2000 B.C. They also built the first cities and laid down the first laws. The ancient city was first discovered 140 years ago, but the site has been the target of looting and illegal excavation.
The Sumerians inhabited the ancient eastern Mediterranean region of Mesopotamia and were responsible for many technological developments, including time measurements and writing. The Epic of Gilgamesh, which is considered the oldest piece of literature in the world, is derived from five Sumerian poems.

The Director of the British Museum, Hartwig Fischer, described the ancient city site in southern Iraq as "one of the most amazing" he had ever visited. The project was created in response to the Islamic State's destruction of important heritage sites in Iraq and Syria. Since its inception, more than 70 Iraqis have been trained to conduct field work in Girsu.
The ancient Sumerians may not have been as well known as the ancient Egyptians or Greeks, but according to Getty Museum Director Dr. Timothy Potts, Girsu "is perhaps one of the most important heritage sites in the world that very few people know about." The Getty Museum, through its collections, exhibitions, research, and publications, seeks to enhance understanding and preserve the world's artistic and cultural heritage.
The Iraqi Minister of Culture, Ahmad Faqaq al-Badrani, declared: "British archaeological excavations in Iraq will unveil the important antiquity of Mesopotamia, as it is a true testimony to the strong relations between the two countries."
!An exciting discovery of a 4,500-year-old palace from the Sumerian civilization in Iraq 1--34
The discovery of the Sumerian palace and temple sheds light on the past, and teaches the future by helping to improve our knowledge of the Sumerian world. The Girsu Project in Iraq also provides critical support to the Girsu archaeological site and training of Iraqi specialists charged with developing sustainable archeology and tourism.

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