It is more than 7 centuries old.. A "sacred" tree in Vietnam continues to bear fruit despite the passage of time
It is more than 7 centuries old.. A "sacred" tree in Vietnam continues to bear fruit despite the passage of time 1-74
The "sacred" tree is located in the Vietnamese province of Hai Tin. It is more than 7 centuries old, and is still full of life and bears fruit despite the passage of time.
The Diospyros decandra tree is revered by the locals, who call it the "historic golden apple tree", which is a kind of tropical plant, historically associated with the Vietnamese King Le Loa.
This ancient tree is about 40 meters high and has a large diameter trunk, which has been covered with moss over time.

On holidays, the villagers come to an altar near the tree to burn incense and wish luck and peace in the.....

Source: websites