The city of the jinn in Turkey.. The legend of Nevşehir is not a figment of imagination.
The city of the jinn in Turkey.. The legend of Nevşehir is not a figment of imagination.  1-268
The underground tunnels and houses have not been blocked or demolished despite the passage of thousands of years
Rakwa - Whoever hears the name of the city of the jinn “Derinkuyu” within Nevşehir in Turkey thinks at first glance that it is one of the myths that was composed to draw people’s attention, but it is actually a real legend and not a fantasy.
The city of Jinn, located in central Anatolia, is one of the greatest and most amazing cities in terms of design, as it contains everything that any city above ground contains, including passages, water channels, wells, houses, furniture, schools, cemeteries, and religious places.
Everything in Derinkuyu is underground, and it was designed to accommodate more than 10,000 people. It is said to have an underground depth of up to 85 meters, but what has been discovered so far is only about 50 meters.
The city of the jinn in Turkey.. The legend of Nevşehir is not a figment of imagination.  1-1093
Derinkuyu city
The story of the city of the jinn in Türkiye
The ancient city of Jinn was discovered in Turkey in 1963 and it consists of many underground levels, equivalent to about 18 floors, while it is said that there are other floors that have not yet been discovered in a historical cultural miracle similar to the legendary novels.
What added to this miracle was that the corridors of the city of the jinn, which were dug deep into the earth or its rooms, were not subjected to any blockage or demolition, despite the passage of thousands of years, and they still maintain houses, kitchens and churches, according to what Raqwa translated.
The city of the jinn in Turkey.. The legend of Nevşehir is not a figment of imagination.  1--111
The city of the jinn in Turkey attracts thousands of tourists around the world who want to see it and ride the balloons near it in Cappadocia, which include “fairy chimneys” or “devil’s tables”, which are columns topped with rocks formed naturally by weather factors.
Some scholars explained that whoever established the city of the jinn underground in Turkey was one of those who feared something that might afflict him, such as an enemy, a storm, or otherwise, and the underground tunnels lead to another city, which is Cappadocia.
What is surprising is the materials from which the city of Derinkuyu was built and the great care for it, the presence of a river that passes through cylindrical wells to reach all the floors of the city, and the absence of any blockages or disasters in the corridors and basements, according to what Rakawah translated from haberler .
The city of the jinn in Turkey.. The legend of Nevşehir is not a figment of imagination.  1-1094
The city of Jinn located in central Anatolia
Amazing legend
All of this, according to milliyet and its translation by Raqwa, raises confusion and questions about the residents who carried out all this creativity because the engineers asserted the impossibility of rebuilding such a city, even if all modern equipment, mechanisms and means were available.
And the state of Nevşehir had announced the arrival of the number of tourists in Cappadocia who took balloon tours there by about 19 thousand tourists during the month of March 2023, despite the devastating Kahramanmaraş earthquake that occurred on February 6 of the same year.
The United Nations classified the region, including the city of Jinn in Turkey, as one of the World Heritage Sites, and is characterized by its strange and beautiful landscapes.
According to the accounts, these real legends date back to the Byzantine era, when people lived in large houses dug underground.

Source: sites Internet