The "James Webb" telescope captures a picture of a glowing explosion caused by a "collision of two galaxies"
The "James Webb" telescope captures a picture of a glowing explosion caused by a "collision of two galaxies" 1633
And the telescope website of the US Aeronautics and Space Administration, “NASA”, published the image, on Monday, and it appears in it a red glow with an illumination equivalent to more than a trillion suns.
And the explosion comes within the merger of two galaxies known as “ARB 220”, noting that the two galaxies began colliding about 700 million years ago, according to scientists’ estimates.
The "James Webb" telescope captures a picture of a glowing explosion caused by a "collision of two galaxies" 1-1144
The new James Webb telescope image also reveals "tails," or material flowing away from the two galaxies in blue.

The James Webb Space Telescope is the most important observatory for space science in the world today, and scientists hope that it will solve mysteries in our solar system and reveal a lot about distant worlds around other stars.

Source: websites