Lalla Fatma N'Soumer's revolution inspires an American board game publisher
Lalla Fatma N'Soumer's revolution inspires an American board game publisher 1349
Algeria, its destination and its history inspires creators from all over the world, in several fields: Fashion, cooking, but also games. Indeed, a board game publisher has decided to draw inspiration from the story of one of the figures of the Algerian revolution to launch a novelty on this market.
Created by Matt Shoemaker and Roberta Taylor, “The Red Burnoose: Algeria 1857″ is inspired by the story of Lalla Fatma N'Soumer, a symbol of Algerian female resistance in the fight against French colonization. In the form of a board game, this creation is already available on the market.
"The Red Burnoose: Algeria 1857": Lala Fatma N'Soumer's revolution at the heart of an American board game
“The red Burnoose: Algeria 1857″ presents itself as a cooperative war game between four players. Its method of use is quite simple: the player must advance his troops of Lalla Fatma N'Soumer against the colonial forces and control the different villages and characters of this game.
Lalla Fatma N'Soumer's revolution inspires an American board game publisher 1-572
The Red Burnoose: Algeria 1857
To succeed in this fight, the players use dice, but also cards from this game, which illustrate villagers, soldiers, villages of Kabylia... Each player has the possibility of buying them, throughout the game. , thanks to a points system.
In addition, it should be noted that two Algerians participated in the creation of this game. First, Professor Karim Ouaras, as a cultural adviser, and the artist Ahcene Blibek, who designed the game. On the market , “The Red Burnoose: Algeria 1857” is offered in two languages, including English and German.

Source : websites