Raising males: the most important rules that must be adopted and others that must be avoided to ensure proper breeding  
Raising males: the most important rules that must be adopted and others that must be avoided to ensure proper breeding   1845
In order for us to treat well and meet all the needs, especially the psychological ones of our children, we must be aware of the process of innate difference and nature in upbringing between males and females.. Yes, the nature of males differs from that of females in upbringing. Raising male children is considered the most difficult due to the rough nature of males.
Raising males: the most important rules that must be adopted and others that must be avoided to ensure proper breeding
A set of important rules in the upbringing of males proper education:
Raising males: the most important rules that must be adopted and others that must be avoided to ensure proper breeding   1-1809
Scientific honesty and frankness:
Males have special tricks that they use to escape from stressful situations or direct answers, and instead of your son resorting to this method, it is better to accustom him to honesty and frankness, with a focus on the importance of supporting the honest and his good reward, regardless of the consequences that he may face because of his honesty and frankness.
Help him take responsibility:
You must delegate to your child some tasks that he can accomplish according to his age in order to develop within him the ability to take responsibility and not to depend on you for even simple things related to him. He is accustomed from an early age to arranging his room by himself and then to performing his duties on his own. Despite the simplicity of these things, they motivate the child to To be responsible from a young age.
Let him express his feelings.
The mistake that our ancestors made in education is that a boy should not cry, become weak, or be affected. We must teach our child how to express his feelings, regardless of the situations, despite their different psychological states, especially how to express his grief and be a man at the same time.
Raising males: the most important rules that must be adopted and others that must be avoided to ensure proper breeding   1-1810
The importance of instilling confidence in him:
The boy is born and he loves the spirit of competition and control among his colleagues, even if he resorts to practicing wrong behavior to reach his goal, and here comes your role in the importance of cultivating confidence within him and that he does not need competition to prove himself, but it is enough for him to feel mutual love between him and his friends and to direct any of them to help when requested .
What we will plant in our children from an early age is what we will reap later, so we must accustom our children to respect everyone, big or small, from a young age, so do not let him call us by our names or by the name of his father directly, and if it happens that we are together in a public place, let us stop him so that a lady or an old man sits, for example .
Raising males: the most important rules that must be adopted and others that must be avoided to ensure proper breeding   1--836
The importance of the father’s role in accompanying his son:
The father is the first example for his child, and he must support him in all his choices and decisions, with the need to intervene and advise him at the appropriate time.
Do not use violence:
It is a mistake to believe that the correct way to deter our children is to use violence and treat them strictly, under the pretext that the nature of children requires cruelty in dealing, as this behavior will increase our child and make him commit more mistakes. Correct means of punishment without diminishing his character in front of anyone at all.
Listening to the children's desire to move and experiment:
It is natural for the activities and movements of males to be different from those of girls, as they want to feel freedom, release and try new things, but freedom is limited, as excess freedom may lead to reckless behavior that may cause them harm that we do not need.
Raising males: the most important rules that must be adopted and others that must be avoided to ensure proper breeding   1--837
Avoid constant criticism:
It is not good to over criticize his behavior,  especially in front of others, as males tend to rebel against any restrictions, so we must support our child by helping him build a strong personality capable of facing difficulties without fear or hesitation.
Common mistakes in raising male children:
1. It is necessary to avoid forcing male children to practice combat sports or other sports that we think are associated with masculinity.
2. Avoid forcing male children to hide their fears and educate them that men are not afraid.
3. Avoid dealing with male children harshly, as most parents believe that dealing with male children should be formal, harsh and firm, especially in adolescence.
4. We must always remember that violence and cruelty do not make a man, but rather a shaky, stubborn and violent personality that negatively affects his life, those around him, and his society.

Independence and self-reliance are one of the important pillars for building a strong personality for children, especially males in our societies. Parents must promote and inculcate this concept in their child.

Source : websites