Fires in Kabylie: an online kitty to help the victims
Fires in Kabylie: an online kitty to help the victims 12257
On the night of Sunday to Monday of July 24, 2023, a series of forest fires in Kabylie which resulted in the loss of 34 lives, including ten soldiers, and 26 injured. Photo: DR
A week after the terrible fire that ravaged much of the Toudja forest in Kabylia , 60 km west of Béjaia, the inhabitants of the surrounding villages, such as Tardam, feel neglected by the public authorities. Some have decided to provide rapid aid to disaster victims by launching online kitties.
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A burnt-out vehicle lying on a road leading towards Tardam. Photo: DR
Myriem Tenfiche, a Frenchwoman of Algerian origin, hasn't slept too much since Tardam, her parents' village where she used to spend her holidays, was reduced to ashes.
“Many houses have burned down, the village café is completely destroyed. The fields, trees and herds have also taken a lot of money, lists the thirty-year-old who lives in Paris.
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At the time of the tragedy, his father had to jump into a pool of water to escape the fire. “At 2 am, men asked the villagers to take refuge in the school. For ten minutes, the flames attacked the school. Everyone was praying that the windows wouldn't break ,” says the young woman, her voice still filled with emotion.
The one who defines herself as a "child of Tardam", decided, with the help of her two sisters, to launch an online kitty tardam-following-devastating-fires-1083421 .

“We want to provide urgent and essential financial assistance to the most vulnerable people affected by this devastating disaster. Basic needs such as food, water, care for the injured and basic necessities for those who have lost everything are our priority. In addition to this, we are committed to rebuilding the village café, which has fallen into ruin, and providing practical help to shepherds and farmers ,” explains Myriem Tenfiche.
The bi-national would also like a “solid fire safety protocol” to be put in place to prevent future tragedies. "We also believe that this kitty is the best way to avoid intermediaries and to guarantee that the funds will be used in a targeted and beneficial way for the population of Tardam", explains the 30-year-old who will transmit all the funds collected directly to the 'village assembly'.
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Tardam, a village in Kabylia, ravaged following a fire on July 24, 2023. Photo: DR

Source: websites