!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 0_bmp10
A Reddit user asked a question titled, "What are the things you didn't know before you lived with a woman?" The answers poured in like a torrent!
It turns out that men are ignorant of some things, which may seem normal and understandable to women, as user Artudetan's question garnered about 14,000 answers on Reddit! Here are the most prominent of those things that some men may not realize until after living with a woman:
1. We start from sanitary pads!
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 0_bmp11
Many men may think that feminine pads are like a band-aid that women stick to the bottom and it does its job. But in fact, this is far from an accurate description of the pad work.
Women do not put pads “on” the vagina, but the sticky layer is designed to stick to the underwear. Is it reasonable for a man to put a stick on his private parts, for example?!
The author of this opinion explained that his wife collapsed laughing when he told her that, to the point that she called her mother to tell her what he said, and it is not excluded that she told the entire neighborhood!
2. Most women own a luxurious bra that is different from the rest
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 0-_bmp10
One man explained that he later realized why women have different bras than others. Even washing an expensive bra isn't done the same way. You (or your partner) should take extra care of the item while washing, drying, and storing it.
What the man did not realize earlier is that bras are different, and women's preferences for these bras differ according to their bodies and skin, and therefore it is difficult for a woman to find that distinctive and very appropriate bra! Especially since she will not be able to try it before buying it, which requires taking care of it, of course.
3. Panties for menstruation
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 0-_bmp11
Do most men know that women are reserved for panties during their period? It is unreasonable for women to damage these distinguished or expensive pants due to frequent washing, and women may prefer to wear comfortable clothes at that time. So yes, there are period clothes.
4. The toilet always smells clean
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 0--_bm10
We don't know exactly if this is common for most men - and if it is, that's a shame - but some men seem to report that their toilets are clean all the time after living with women. Instead of unpleasant smells, it smelled of soap, flowers and perfume.
Of course, if you're a man, it doesn't mean that your toilet is necessarily dirty. Rather, everyone should take care of the cleanliness of the toilet for obvious health reasons. Also, the generalization is wrong here, as there are many men who care about their cleanliness and the cleanliness of their house as well, and if you do not care, then that is a big problem!
5. Washing hair and showering are two separate things
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 0--_bm11
Men may not take long while showering, but for women, bathing has different rituals and forms: a body bath is different from a hair bath. Because women's hair is long and needs maintenance, many women prefer to wash their hair separately from their body shower.
Of course this is not a rule, not to mention that many women spend time in the bathroom to remove hair and wash and groom their hair. So, when your wife decides to take a shower, do not think that she will pour shampoo on her body and leave after a quarter of an hour!
6. If you leave something on the kitchen counter, you will find it later in the trash
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 0---_b10
Many men talked about their struggles with women regarding this matter, as women do not like to see things scattered here and there, especially if they are “unnecessary” things in their view. But if we reverse the roles, and the women are the ones who leave their things on the table, we don't think that things will go well if she sees her things in the trash!
Of course, the same applies to both sexes, as several women explained in the comments that their husbands often throw things in the trash, and we also noticed that some women do not care at all about this matter, as women, in their opinion, are not only servants whose task is to arrange the house.
7. Have you noticed that women's clothing is rarely designed with roomy pockets?
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 0---_b11
One of the men said that he has been married for several years, and he is still shocked by the idea that there are no side pockets in women's clothes, and if there are, they are often short and do not fit into anything.
Of course, women love those practical pockets, but the problem with fashion houses and factories is that these pockets are often just a decorative addition. We also noticed that some women prefer men's clothing, such as pants and jeans, for example, as the pockets in them accommodate a lot of things.
Another explanation is that a woman often carries her bag and puts all the things she wants in it, so she has no need for those pockets that will not accommodate all the things of a woman, no matter how big they are.
8. Do you walk around the house after taking a shower? That's a big mistake!
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 0----_10
One of the men discovered something important, which is that he has to stand a little on the bathroom rug to dry himself, and he cannot go around the house spreading water or his wet footprints all over the house.
It seems the women are angry at this behavior, because you can't walk around wet in the house, who will dry the floor after you?
9. Clean the toilet frequently
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 0----_11
There is no single standard for how often a toilet should be cleaned, but men seem to care less about it than women, in general at least, especially when it comes to certain products like bleach, chlorine, or other things that seem like one product to men.
The problem is that men, especially those who urinate while standing up, are more likely to contaminate the toilet than women, and therefore they will almost certainly have to clean it more often than women.
10. There is a specific way to hang clothes on a clothesline
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 0-----16
If you think you can hang clothes however you like on a clothesline and they will automatically dry the next day, you are dead wrong.
If you don't hang clothes properly, they will dry out, wrinkle and need to be ironed, not to mention that hanging the wrong way can leave some damp spots. Anyway, this seems to be a common problem for women all over the world, so they often do this on their own without their husband's involvement.
11. Women's obsession with jars
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 1_bmp15
Well this is something that only those who have lived with women will realize, as it seems that women like to put everything in jars, from spices to foodstuffs and herbs to things that do not need to be put in the first place in a jar.
12. Hairpins
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 1_bmp16
You will find them in every home, and you will find them thrown in different places of the house, and when women need them, they will rarely find them, so you will find them buying dozens of pins every once in a while. We don't know where the hairpins are hidden, but women certainly need them all the time.
13. The ability of women to arrange the house in minutes
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 1-_bmp10
One man explained that the house could be incredibly messy, and then his wife would tidy up right away, especially if she was in a hurry.
The reason may be that women put everything in its proper place, or rather, they create a place or cupboard for everything (another reason why they are obsessed with jars too), so that if the house needs to be tidy, it will be done smoothly and quickly, as each item has its own place.
14. Women may start by tidying up and cleaning the house, and end by switching rooms and moving furniture
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 1-_bmp11
This is an undeniable fact, as women seem to like change. A woman might find she cleans her house on a regular basis, then turns it upside down to see if she can move the room furniture to another place and rearrange the house again, and you cannot stop her from that, of course.
15. Hair stuck in the bathroom sink
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 1--_bm10
In fact, we cannot blame women for this, and do not think that this is something that brings them happiness, but if you live with a woman, you must have noticed hair gathering in the bathroom, especially after showering.
16. Another thing men don't understand: makeup
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 1--_bm11
Why do women take so much time to make up? Really there is no answer! But what interested us is that many women don't make up a lot, and it's a stressful process for them too, because women can't put makeup on and go out, otherwise they'll look like a clown.
17. Wardrobe: 90% for women and 10% for men
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 1---_b10
Another fact that married couples or those who live with women will realize is that their clothes and belongings are too many. Of course, we found that some women experience the opposite, with many women saying their husbands take up more closet space.
18. Hair ties magically disappear too
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 1---_b11
Another product that women easily buy and lose is a barrette, and no, you won't find them in a drawer or cupboard, as they also disappear into a black hole in your home.
19. There are more products for women than for men
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 1----_10
If you go to buy men's shower products, for example, you often buy shampoo and body soap, but women need many other products, and companies know this, and therefore they do not stop marketing many, many products that may seem strange or unnecessary to some men.
20. Finally, no home is complete without a woman
!Things You Won't Realize Or Understand Before Living With Women...Here Are These Men's Answers 1----_11
Well, we may have talked a lot about things that are specific to women but are strange or unknown to men, but what all men know is that the feeling of a warm and comfortable home is behind a woman who has worked to make it an intimate place.
Here we turn to our male followers, what are the things that you did not know about until you lived with a woman? Are there things that surprised you or that you discovered that you have been doing wrong your whole life? Tell us in the comments!

Source: Bored Panda website