4 meters long.. The skull of an ancient rhinoceros was found in southern Russia
4 meters long.. The skull of an ancient rhinoceros was found in southern Russia  1390
On the Taman Peninsula in southern Russia, the first skull of a young Caucasian rhinoceros (Elasmotherium) in the history of science was discovered.
This was reported by the press service of the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The center's chief researcher, Vadim Titov, said: “The current field season at the (Senya Balka) site resulted in the discovery of artifacts of animals that lived on the Taman Peninsula about 1.2 - 1.4 million years ago, in addition to new artifacts of ancient European humans.
Elasmotherium is an ancient rhinoceros that lived about a million years ago. The dimensions of this herbivore are impressive, as it is about 4.5 meters long and about 2 meters high. The Caucasian rhino weighs more than four tons.
4 meters long.. The skull of an ancient rhinoceros was found in southern Russia  1-780
It is believed that elasmotherium lived in the area overlooking the present-day Sea of Azov. For scientists, the discovery of the remains of an animal that had not been previously studied is a great success. Archaeologists last achieved such success four years ago, when they found the skull of an adult Caucasian rhinoceros off the coast of the Sea of Azov. For the first time, historians will receive fossils of a young mammal that roamed the Taman Peninsula in ancient times.
The Taman Elephant Basin, which is distinguished by its dimensions, was also discovered there this season. All these discoveries will force historians to take a fresh look at the geological history of the Kuban region. After being processed in the laboratory, the artifacts will become exhibits in local history museums.

Source: websites