From the sayings of the father of history, Herdoth
From the sayings of the father of history, Herdoth 1-603
Herodotus was born in the Persian Empire around 484 BC. He was called the "Father of History" by the Roman orator and writer, Cicero, for his famous work "History".
He died sometime between 430-420 BC.
From Libya comes the new. The father of history, Herodoth, did not say it out of spite, but rather said it for the following reasons.
1- The Amazighs are skilled in the art of making musical instruments and singing, and the voices of the Amazigh women were the most beautiful and wonderful that Herdoth heard.
2- The Greeks took some of the Tefinagh letters and used them, thus creating letters for themselves that did not exist with them before.
3- The Amazighs were famous in the leather industry, especially what is called today, as an example in Morocco (relatives), Libya, the Libyan inventory and the Libyan blanket. It has been mentioned that Athena, the Greek goddess, is presented with leather made by Libyan-Amazigh , and that Athena’s armor is also made by Libyan-Amazigh.
4-The Amazighs were the first to use chariots. Therefore, Greece learned from the Amazighs the art of driving chariots.
5- The Amazighs were the first to invent a treatment for scorpion and snake venom, and the Asputai tribe was famous for its treatment.
6- The amazighs were the healthiest and most beautiful people, so they had treatment methods that were not found among the Greeks.
7- Amazigh women did not eat pork and beef.
From the sayings of the father of history, Herdoth 1-604

Reference:: Herodotus’s book of hadiths about the Libyans “Berbers”...