An archaeological inscription was discovered in the state of Medea with Amazigh writing in Tifinagh script
An archaeological inscription was discovered in the state of Medea with Amazigh writing in Tifinagh script 1---150
The Directorate of Culture and Arts of the Medea Province in Algeria announced the discovery of an archaeological inscription bearing Amazigh  writing in the Tifinagh script dating back to the BC period, and it is considered the first of its kind in the Medea Province.
All archaeological discoveries and historical studies confirm the authenticity and heritage of the Amazigh man in North Africa since prehistoric times, and all archaeological evidence confirms that North Africa is an area inhabited by humans since prehistoric times.
These historical facts, as well as studies of modern genetics, refute and completely demolish all the myths, myths, and lies that claim that the Amazigh people are of Levantine Arab origins or from Yemen!! As some ignorant, biased people like

Source: websites