Isis and Osiris
Isis and Osiris 1----122
Statues of Isis and Osiris from the exhibition of sunken cities of Egypt, which were found in 2000 and date back to the sixth century BC, which were found in the depths and 1.5 km from the current coasts of Egypt, the discoveries rolled and the search became periodic, the research team also found sculptures inscribed with the name of the city of Heraklion and King Nictanibon I, who ruled between (380-362) BC. Two temples were found for the Greek hero Hercules and Amun, and several bronze pieces. A few kilometers away, the team found the eastern city of Knobs, and the findings included Ceramic vessels, parts of the temple's iron doors, and a piece of metal bearing the head of Cleopatra that ruled Egypt in the first century BC, and the two cities were found to be connected by regular canals and bridges.

Source: websites