"The most beautiful cemetery in the world"
"The most beautiful cemetery in the world"  1----168
Among the tombs of ancient Egypt, which tells the history of an ancient civilization and great glory, stands out the tomb of Queen Nefertari, which is one of the most wonderful and beautiful Egyptian monuments. Nefertari was the wife of King Ramses II, one of the most famous kings of Egypt in the era of the New Empire, who had a special place in his heart and in his rule. He built her a temple in Abu Simbel next to his temple, dedicated her the title of "the beloved like no other", and showed his great sadness at her death.
This cemetery is considered one of the most important tourist attractions in Egypt, but visiting it requires prior reservation and high fees, due to the sensitivity of the murals. However, those who visit this cemetery feel great admiration for its beauty and splendor
Nefertari's tomb is located in the Valley of the Queens, part of the Thebes archaeological complex in Luxor.
This cemetery is considered the largest and most luxurious tomb of the Valley of the Queens, with an area of about 520 square meters. The tomb consists of several rooms and corridors decorated with exquisite carvings and frescoes depicting the life of the queen and her relationship with the gods. These paintings appear in bright colors and delicate shapes, reflecting the art of the ancient Egyptians at its best. The tomb also contains a wooden sarcophagus containing the queen's remains, and a number of statues, utensils and jewelry that accompanied the dead on their journey to the afterlife.
Nefertari's tomb was discovered in 1904 by the Italian archaeologist Ernesto Schiaparelli Restore it several times to protect it from damage and theft.

Source: websites