Tutankhamun's tomb.. on the anniversary of its opening to the public.. Learn the truth about the young pharaoh's curse and his mysterious treasures
Le tombeau de Toutankhamon... Apprenez la vérité sur la malédiction du jeune pharaon et ses mystérieux trésors 1----z51
Time: Discovery November 4, 1922, Inauguration November 15, 1939
Place: Valley of the Kings in Luxor
Tutankhamun's tomb.. November 15, 1939 That day witnessed for the first time the opening of the tomb of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun to the public, that tomb that was surrounded by mysteries and treasures, and caused an uproar throughout the world, gaining international fame.
It was the only tomb in the Valley of the Kings whose contents were found to be somewhat intact. It radiated a breathtaking brilliance, but this brilliance was like a flame if you got too close to it. You may lose everything, revealing the curse of the Pharaohs for the first time between reality and fiction.
Tutankhamun's tomb...a discovery made by chance
On November 4, 1922, the tomb of the golden pharaoh Tutankhamun was discovered by the British archaeologist Howard Carter .
While Carter was excavating the tunnel leading to the tomb of Ramesses IV in the Valley of the Kings, he noticed the presence of a large basement.
He continued exploring until he reached the room containing the tomb of Tutankhamun.
Le tombeau de Toutankhamon... Apprenez la vérité sur la malédiction du jeune pharaon et ses mystérieux trésors 1----z42
Tutankhamun's tomb begins with an entrance with a 16-step staircase, ending with a sloping vestibule that leads to two rooms, one for the sarcophagus.
The other is for the Pharaoh’s treasures, and the sarcophagus chamber is decorated with inscriptions from the sacred Book of the Dead for the ancient Egyptians.
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Carter had to finish the Matryoshka - a diamond-shaped toy with a smaller toy inside of the same shape, all the way to the last toy - to find Tutankhamun's coffin.
He found a box inlaid with gold with another box inside it, and when he reached the third box, he found a stone sarcophagus, covered with a thick layer of stone carved in the shape of a statue of Tutankhamun.
Le tombeau de Toutankhamon... Apprenez la vérité sur la malédiction du jeune pharaon et ses mystérieux trésors 1----z43
After finishing the matryoshka, Carter found it difficult to lift the third shroud covering the mummy , so he thought about exposing it to the blazing heat of the sun, which would produce results in separating the shroud from the mummy.
But he failed and finally had to cut the golden shroud in half to reach the mummy.
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Tutankhamun's mummy appeared in all its adornment, including necklaces, rings, a crown, and a staff, all of which were made of pure gold.
A picture was published on social media of the cemetery’s belongings, which include more than 5,000 pieces, most of which are pure gold.
Its contents give a comprehensive picture of ancient Egyptian life and Pharaonic ways of living.
Le tombeau de Toutankhamon... Apprenez la vérité sur la malédiction du jeune pharaon et ses mystérieux trésors 1----z45
Terrifying coincidences in Tutankhamun's tomb
“Death will strike with its poisonous wings anyone who disturbs the king’s peace” was just a sentence inscribed on the tomb of Tutankhamun.
But no one knew that its impact would be so severe, so that the reign of the young king would begin again.
But this time it will not be an era of prosperity and prosperity, but rather deadly curses that will destroy everyone they touch.
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Ignoring the royal warning...the beginning of the curse of Tutankhamun’s tomb
When the English archaeologist Howard Carter opened the tomb of the royal pharaoh Tutankhamun, a sentence written on the tomb that read as follows caught the attention of the exploration campaign:
“Death will strike with its venomous wings anyone who disturbs the king’s peace.”
It served as a strong warning not to approach the cemetery, but Carter did not pay attention to this great discovery, and continued the process of opening the cemetery. Let an endless series of terrifying disasters begin .
Le tombeau de Toutankhamon... Apprenez la vérité sur la malédiction du jeune pharaon et ses mystérieux trésors 1----z46
1- The death of the excavation workers and the story of the soaring falcon
The curse began with the death of the workers who participated in the process of searching and excavating the mysterious tomb of the Pharaoh.
It was said that a sandstorm broke out during the opening of the tomb, and one story spoke of a falcon flying over the tomb, which is one of the sacred ancient Egyptian symbols.
Le tombeau de Toutankhamon... Apprenez la vérité sur la malédiction du jeune pharaon et ses mystérieux trésors 1----z47
2- The golden canary and the snake and their relationship to the tomb of Tutankhamun
Howard Carter brought his golden canary to Luxor during the exploration trip, as Mohsen Al Muhammad mentioned in his book “Theft of the King”:
“When Howard traveled to Cairo, his assistant placed the bird on the balcony to breathe some fresh air, but after a while he heard a sound that sounded like a call to prayer, so he hurried to the balcony to be surprised by a large snake extending its tongue to the bird.”
However, he took the initiative and killed the snake, but the bird died. Then it was said that the curse had begun to show its fangs. Especially since the snake was the symbol placed above the heads of statues of Egyptian kings and queens.
3- The death of Muhammad Zakaria and the blackout of electricity in Cairo
Howard Carter opened Tutankhamun's tomb on February 16, 1923, in the presence of a group of archaeologists and Lord George Carnarvon, who funded the excavation process, which continued for more than 5 years.
But the moment they entered the cemetery, the electricity supply to all of Cairo was cut off for long hours.
After that, the archaeologist Muhammad Zakaria, one of Carter’s assistants in the excavation, died, and that was on the same day as he entered the cemetery.
However, some research has proven that he was injured by a toxic device inside the cemetery, which led to his mysterious death.
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4- George Herbert and the poisonous mosquito
English investor George Herbert, who was present during the opening of the tomb, died on April 5, 1923 from a poisonous mosquito bite, which caused a severe infection.
One of the sources stated that that mosquito bit him in the cemetery, but he did not care much about it, which may have caused his death a month and 20 days after the grave was opened.
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5- George Jay Gould and the deadly fever...the punishment for entering Tutankhamun’s tomb
George Jay Gould was one of the visitors who witnessed the opening of King Tutankhamun's tomb.
But he then died in France in 1923 from a severe fever.
The sources stated that he was not suffering from any diseases before his visit to the cemetery.
But the fever that struck him later led to his death, and that was 3 months after the tomb was opened.
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6- Issy Mays and arsenic poisoning
Issy Mays, a member of the research team, died in 1928 after suffering from arsenic poisoning. He died 5 years after the tomb was opened, and his death was linked to the Pharaoh’s curse.
7- Captain Richard Bethel was strangled to death
Captain Richard Bethel, Howard Carter's search assistant, died on November 15, 1928, in a club bed.
He stated that the cause of death was cardiac arrest, but the symptoms that appeared on his body were completely the opposite.
He appeared to have been strangled to death while sleeping, and his death occurred 5 years and 9 months after the grave was opened.
Archbold Douglas passes away under mysterious circumstances
Archbold Douglas was a member of Howard Carter's X-ray team.
The first person to cut the threads around the body of the mummy of Pharaoh Tutankhamun died under mysterious circumstances and was also linked to the curse of Pharaoh Tut .
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Some researchers responded to the curse of the Pharaohs
Some researchers stated that the causes of death were due to toxic chemicals found in the cemetery.
Some studies conducted on samples from the royal Pharaonic tombs in Luxor have shown.
The presence of large proportions of formaldehyde, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia, which are considered toxic substances that kill people who inhale or come into contact with them.
Tutankhamun's tomb... amazing treasures
King Tutankhamun's treasure is the most complete and unparalleled royal treasure ever found, consisting of 358 pieces, including a golden mask and three coffins in the shape of a human.
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There are items such as dolls and toys, a collection of finished furniture, war equipment and statues.
In addition to Tutankhamun's famous trumpet made of copper and another of gold.
Through these luggage, we learn about the king’s life, his love for hunting, his most important works, his entourage, and finally his seat on the throne.
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This baggage dates back to the 18th Dynasty, the most prosperous era of the New Kingdom, which formed trade relations with the regions of the ancient Near East, and worked on exporting and importing resources and products.
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Egyptologist Professor Joan Fletcher mentioned in the documentary program “Odyssey” entitled “Valley of the Kings: The Egyptian Golden Age”:
“This mask was originally made for someone else, and research indicates that Tutankhamun did not wear earrings after his childhood; “So by the age of 20, when he died he would not have been depicted with pierced ears, and instead the mask appears to have been made for another famous ruler.”
Le tombeau de Toutankhamon... Apprenez la vérité sur la malédiction du jeune pharaon et ses mystérieux trésors 1----z48
The young pharaoh shone in the mummy's procession
In February 2010, the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism decided to allow the mummy of the Pharaonic King Tutankhamun to be displayed in front of the public for the first time since its discovery, along with its golden shrine, in the city of Luxor 85 years ago.
?In your opinion, is the curse of the Pharaohs real or a myth

Source: websites