Tivelet is the title of a new song by artist Abdel Rahman Imghran
Tivelet is the title of a new song by artist Abdel Rahman Imghran 1----242
Artist Abderrahmane Imghran released a new song, via his official YouTube channel, under the title “Tefillet.” The song is a poem he created in the “Bosalem” sea. It contains four diverse bouquets that give the impression of the beauty of Tefillet, a symbol of the most expensive Amazigh jewelry.
The song’s release coincides with the Amazigh New Year 2974, in fulfillment of Abderrahmane’s fulfillment of this date in which he distributed his songs “Eatburn and Liqamat” over the past two years, in a simple style accessible to the listener, moving between the suffering of those in love and digging into endangered customs of generosity, and describing the extraordinary beauty of the Amazigh female…
Abdel Rahman Imghran’s artistic works are distributed between Tagrobet and Tarouiset, in addition to a number of joint works, led by his famous song with the honorable artist entitled “Mak Ijran Tadabalat”, the song “Swingum” with the artist Karim Lajawad, then the song “Al-Donit and Tidokla” with Habiyi Salam, in addition to... For the song “Saxa Etran” with the artist Arenas Atlas.

It should be noted that the artist Abdel Rahman is the founder of the Imghran group, near the birthplace of the dean of the Amazigh song, Rais Hajj Belaid, may God have mercy on him, since 1991, in addition to teaching the Amazigh language. Abdel Rahman Hbou is also considered a member of the regional office of the Moroccan Syndicate of Musical Professions in Agadir.

Agadir: Ibrahim Fadel