Sayings of the philosopher Plato
Sayings of the philosopher Plato 1---610
-You must go to the truth with all your soul.
- The body is the graveyard of the soul.
- The good man is the one who endures pain, but does not cause it .
Knowing names leads to knowing things.
- Whoever does not console the Brotherhood with his state, they will let him down when he is poor.
Love is the way out of non-existence into existence.
- The ruler is like a great river from which small rivers draw. If it is fresh, it is fresh, and if it is salty, it is salty.
Rich people are often not good people, so they are not happy.
- If a wise man runs away from people, seek him, and if he seeks them, run away from him.
- In times of war, beware of using help and abandoning the mind, for the mind has situations that may take place without the need for help, and you do not think that help is indispensable for the mind.

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