January 198 AD) Victory of Emperor Septimius Severus over the Parthians. The lands he conquered would become the province of Mesopotamia
January 198 AD) Victory of Emperor Septimius Severus over the Parthians. The lands he conquered would become the province of Mesopotamia 1----304
The victory of Emperor Septimius on the Arc de Triomphe is commemorated in the FORVM ROMANVM (Roman Forum) ARCVS SEPTIMII SEVERII (Arch of Septimius Severus)
Emperor Lucius Septimius Severus, or "Severus I", was Lucius Septimius Severus Augustus. (April 11, 145 - February 4, 211), The twenty-first Roman Emperor (193-211) was born in the city of Leptis Magna, the capital of the Tripoli Province at the time (one of the cities in western Libya now), which was then considered part of the Roman province of Africa, in the year 193 during the year known as the Year of the Five Emperors.
January 198 AD) Victory of Emperor Septimius Severus over the Parthians. The lands he conquered would become the province of Mesopotamia 1----305
He rose in the Roman hierarchy under the rule of Emperors Marcus Aurelius and Commodus. He came to power after the death of Emperor Pertinax.
Emperor Septimius Severus spent the winter near the Parthian capital, and in February and March decided to ascend the Tigris River to return to the Roman border.
Also to no avail, as many of his vehicles were destroyed and many of his men were injured.
January 198 AD) Victory of Emperor Septimius Severus over the Parthians. The lands he conquered would become the province of Mesopotamia 1----306
Cassius Dio Coccianus finally mentions that Emperor Septimius Severus decided soon after to put Hatra under siege again, bringing with him large quantities of food and machinery.
siege, but on this occasion he is said to have lost not only a large sum of money in preparing for the campaign, but also many war machines (apart from those of a certain Priscus), as well as the Emperor himself, While attacking the enemy's walls, he almost risked his life, and finally decided to retire permanently by going to Egypt. However, after these successes, he deserved the title of PARTHICVS MAXIMVS.
January 198 AD) Victory of Emperor Septimius Severus over the Parthians. The lands he conquered would become the province of Mesopotamia 1----951
Thus the Emperor Septimius Severus was able to permanently reoccupy northern Mesopotamia by making it, as had happened in the past the Emperors Trajan and Leucifus Verves (Lucio Ferro), a new Roman province headed by a Mesopotamian ruler of equestrian rank.
For these successes he was awarded the title of victorious PARTHICVS MAXIMVS, a triumphal decree was issued and a triumphal arch was erected in the FORVM ROMANVM (Roman Forum) Impact on history
January 198 AD) Victory of Emperor Septimius Severus over the Parthians. The lands he conquered would become the province of Mesopotamia 1----952
The newly formed province of Mesopotamia remained under Roman control for several decades and became, along with the Kingdom of Armenia, the subject of dispute in the next two centuries, at least until the 4th century, with the Sassanian campaign undertaken by Evelianvus (Julianus) in English form Julian in 363 AD. In fact, the invasions came on the heels of retreats and new conquests of Roman armies.

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