The secret to the ear piercing habit
The secret to the ear piercing habit 1----954
The custom of piercing the ear was one of the ancient Libyan customs mentioned in ancient sources, such as ancient Egyptian inscriptions that depicted for us some aspects of ancient Libyan prisoners, including piercing the ears in western ancient Egypt.
A questioner may ask: What is the purpose of ear piercing among ancient Libyans?
The custom of ear piercing was present in Al-Barakat, which is located south of Ghat in southwestern Libya. The reason for ear piercing is related to the belief that ear piercing may prevent the death of the newborn and ward off evil, disease, and death. The newborn is called the slave Akli Takelit Askiu Taskut, or the name of a slave is given to him 《Anamgharwan Akli 》 Or calling him by any bad name, such as black, 《Ikawil Asdif》, or ugly, 《Ashaad》, and all of these are ancient Libyan customs.
So perhaps the purpose and purpose of ear piercing among the ancient Libyans, who were depicted in ancient Egyptian inscriptions, and among the classical Moors, who were mentioned in Latin texts, is related to their beliefs that this custom may protect and protect its doer from evil, disease, and death, as is the case with us.
Regarding names
For women whose newborns died successively and did not live, their last newborns were named with names known in nosology as 《protective names》 as these names divert the forces of evil, disease, and death from the bearer of the name. The most frequent nominal case is naming a black or a slave because, in the eyes of the ancient Libyans, they are negative names. Counteract the negative influence and I will devote a post about these names

Source: websites