Sumerian epic of immortality
Sumerian epic of immortality 2---14
This great epic that discussed the issue of immortality, that immortality that some people still search and seek to this day, is a genius Sumerian epic and is considered the oldest written story.
The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the most important creative and legendary poetic works of Mesopotamia. It was written in the Sumerian era. The epic talks about the king who lived in Uruk, a city located in the Mesopotamian Valley. There are many heroic and legendary stories that talk about his character, his supernatural deeds, and his constant search for the secret of life. Which relates to immortality, so the Epic of Gilgamesh remains an immortal legend that talks about an important and fundamental topic, which is death and its inevitability, even for the hero himself, the heroic hybrid being, as two-thirds of him are immortal gods and the other third of him is human.
Many studies have been written about this immortal Epic of Gilgamesh, and there are many creative treatments related to it. The reason for all this interest in the epic is due to its imagination, its talk about human life, its problem with eternal life, and its constant question about the purpose of life and death after living through the paths and arenas of life. The epic speaks about these questions for which there is no specific answer. Literature addresses what science has been unable to explain, and speaks about the psychological crises that face man, and illuminates his hopes and heals his pain. This is the reason for interest in this epic, which takes us away from the painful, tragic reality, to a world full of truth and idealism. Beauty and goodness.
In this epic, reality was mixed with imagination, and truth with myth, as the reality of the epic was mixed with wisdom and its imagination was characterized by symbolism. It is a realistic epic because it talks about human life and death. Gilgamesh’s sadness over the death of his friend Enkidu is a feeling that every person feels when he loses someone dear to him.
At the end of the Epic of Gilgamesh, by accepting the reality of his inability to obtain immortality and seeing the world around him with a new perspective, he realizes the beauty of the city of Uruk and its solid walls. After his epic adventure, he returned as a wise man who understood the importance of achievement in life before death because death is inevitable.

Source: websites