King AmenHotep III
King AmenHotep III 1---179
AmenHotep III, Son of Thutmose IV and Mutemouia, Amenhotep II reigned over Kemet for thirty-eight years, from approximately 1391 to 1353 BCE.
His reign constituted a period of unprecedented prosperity and artistic splendor. Amenhotep III will become one of the greatest builders of the civilization of our ancestors
Amenhotep built a temple in Thebes, but it was later completely destroyed. He also built several temples in Thebes and at Karnak he built a temple for the god Montu, the god of war, who was the lord of the Theban region. it was replaced by the god Amon, and another temple for the god Mut, the wife of the god Amon-Ra.
He also contributed to the Temple of Amun, the main temple of Karnak, by constructing the third temple building. Amenhotep was loyal to the god Ra and built the temple of Karnak for him to avoid divination that his mother was a foreigner. The largest building erected by Amenhotep in Thebes was his funerary temple. Traces of it have been found in the Delta, the Toura, Banha and Memphis, Giza, the Cape, the Arment and also in the Sinai.
Upon his death, his son succeeded him as Amenhotep IV, a name he changed in year 5 of his reign to the one that would make him famous: Akhenaten.
Glory to our ancestor AmenHotep III

Source: websites