The lie of Arabism and historical falsification:
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Are we Arabs on this imaginary map?????
It is also marketed to the world and in all platforms, and attempts are made to legitimize it by creating parallel organizations for such a lie.
But there is a simple question that arises... Where did the people who lived in these millions of hectares of land in the Middle East, the eastern Mediterranean basin, and North Africa go??????????
Where did the Phoenicians, their civilization, and their naval fleets that roamed the seas go far and wide....?????
How did the ancient Egyptians disappear when they were the owners of an ancient and ancient civilization, institutions, sciences, and technologies that organized their lives?????
Where did the owners of the Mesopotamian civilization go, including the Sumerians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, and other ancient peoples and civilizations in the region......???????
Where did the Amazigh peoples in North Africa go, and how did their naval fleets become extinct and give up their control over the Mediterranean Sea, the Bogaz Strait, and the Sea of Darkness in the Atlantic Ocean? Where did the civilization of Atlantis disappear...???????
How did the Amazighs melt into the so-called Arabism, when they were more attached to their culture and language, and the “Amazigh region of North Africa” with its Mediterranean dimension and African depth turned into “weak states” called Arab countries...??????????
How can we answer these questions scientifically???????
Questions generate other questions........!!!!
Because the topic is large and very large, and there is a lot of talk that deserves trouble and thought, because the disappearance of “all these nations” without evidence of their disappearance.....and what happened to them calls for doubt in our history, which seems to be surrounded by many mysteries and very painful myths, but let us use reason. We analyze and extrapolate history....!!!!
It is well known that the victors write history...
Here, of course, history will be their history, the history of their victories and their intellectual, political and religious beliefs.
It will be a history that records their positive image and attributes to them every “beautiful act.” Their deeds are examples of perfection, mastery, and morals, and the deeds of others are the opposite: crime, injustice, corruption, and disbelief...
This is how the victor writes history...
Such a history is a forged history, a history written by the powerful and the oppressors...
They changed everything, changed all the names, distorted and falsified everything, burned libraries, treasuries, museums and temples, leaving nothing as it was.
They used the logic of scorched earth, annihilated the landmarks of all civilizations in the name of religion, and attributed what remained to them and to their infallible leaders, who were heroes in everything and collected glory and prestige from all sides.......!!!!!
Our history, (gentlemen of the Eastern Mediterranean, East Africa, North Africa, and Africa), is subject to the same standard that we mentioned......
So are we all Arabs????????????????????
My answer is absolutely no...because the Phoenicians were not swallowed by the Mediterranean Sea, nor were they eaten by its fish....they built civilization, trade, and cities, and all the shores of the Mediterranean Sea knew them...
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They were the ones who invented the first alphabet.........and they did not become extinct, and their children are alive, living where their ancestors lived, and today’s naive person cannot accept the statement of extinction and the complete annihilation of human beings..
As for the Egyptians, who are residents of the Nile Valley, they also live with us now, but “under a false identity that calls them Arabs” and praises their Arabism. This lie will not last forever because modern civilization is capable of exposing the forgery and deception that has afflicted our history, torn up our old papers, and tried to erase our memories...... ....Because the most difficult thing is erasing memory, which is the destruction of history and human existence..............
Do the people of Egypt and Sudan deny their historical roots and their great civilization????
Is there anything wrong with them that they are the sons of Akhenaten and Rameses... and all the lineages of the Pharaohs? And that their ancestors mummified mummies and preserved them for thousands of years, while today the “culture of Arab Bedouins” now mummifies minds and living bodies.
What do we say about the Kurds who were oppressed by Arabism and robbed of their entity, which was the sword against the rest of the peoples and nations.........
The Kurds were able to tweet away and say out loud that they are “not Arabs,” and they maintained their true idea of belonging, and they gave and are still giving blood in their struggle to keep the Kurdish identity alive and breathing...
But were some other nationalities able to preserve their identity, especially the Sumerians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Hittites, and Aramaeans...and these were unable to stand in the face of the sweeping current that invaded the region, killing, destroying, burning and annihilating everything... ....
All that remains of them are scattered minorities here and there, groaning in pain, remembering only history, and hoping to live in security and peace, hoping for a new day soon when another sun and another day will shine upon them.
On the other hand, in North Africa and the south of the Mediterranean basin, where are the Carthaginians and where are their descendants who controlled the Mediterranean trade? Their eyes are the descendants of Hannibal who controlled Rome and Europe...?????? In North Africa live the Amazigh peoples who They were burned by the fire of the Umayyad Islamic invasions, and the Bedouin Bedouin attacks that cursed their women, raped their children, and burned them alive before the eyes of their fathers.....and other deviations that the Umayyads practiced on the people of North Africa............ ....
It robbed them of their identity and entity and “called them Arabs,” and whoever objected to them said, “You are an Arab according to the Islamic religion,” and the Arabic language is the language of Paradise, and you must forget your ancestors, your history, your civilization, and all the memories of beautiful history.
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They simply tore up the beautiful and authentic papers of history and wrote false ones and we believed what they did to the point that all of us now, all these peoples who were subjected to oppression and persecution, believed that we were Arabs who emerged from under the “sands of the Empty Quarter”............. ............
Imagine millions emerging from under the sand to the land of fertility and water, contrary to all “scientific concepts” that say that civilizations began where there was water and fertile land, because man needs water in order to live and he needs the fertility of the land in order to plant and raise his animals and birds and live....
But the criminal Bedouin thinking has mastered the art of great forgery that has affected our history and distorted our thinking in depth..........
Even the intellectuals who studied and learned the history of the victors began to teach our children, our grandchildren, our grandchildren, and future generations this false history, and they considered it to be the shining truth that cannot be debated.
If the sources of knowledge are forged and incorrect and forgery is taught in schools, secondary schools, institutes and universities and is supported by the media of governments, princes, presidents and sultans who have woven existential relationships, and a tree of alleged affiliation, with all this forgery to the point that their presence in their chairs is linked to this illusion and to lies, forgery and deception...... We can only strongly condemn this delirium, delusion, and historical falsification.
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We are indigenous peoples in the eastern and southern Mediterranean basin, and we are the creators of lasting and continuous civilizations that have contributed to the development of human civilization in the world.
This is a racist lie called Arabism.
North Africa_Amazigh. I am Amazigh, not Arab. Do not take away my identity that God created me with

Source: websites