Emperor Lucius Septimius Severus
Emperor Lucius Septimius Severus 3-12
He was born on April 11, 145 AD in the city of Leptis Magna, Libya. He belonged to an ancient family in the city of Leptis Magna. His family was from the Aquati class, which was one of the most prestigious classes in Leptis Magna at the time. He had a father of Libyan Berber origins and a mother who was also of Libyan Berber origins. He also had Italian origins. He died on February 4, 211 AD in Ibrikum and was buried. At Saint Angel Castle. One of his relatives was an official in the Roman state who helped him enter the Roman Council as a senator and as a supporter of Emperor Marcus Aurelius. He spoke 4 languages: Berber, Punic, Latin, and Greek. He studied rhetoric, law, literature, and philosophy in Athens and Rome, then worked as a lawyer in Rome.
Septimus's life was not devoid of movement and movement from one position to another. He assumed the governorship of southern Spain and then returned to Africa as a representative of the emperor and then as a representative of the common people (non-nobles) in the Senate in Rome. In 173 AD, he became a member of the Roman Senate with the support of Emperor Marcus Aurelius
In the year 175 AD, he married "Pasha Marciana", who was born in Leptis Magna, and their marriage lasted more than ten years. Marciana died of natural causes around 186 AD.
Severus's life revived with his career rise, especially after the transfer of power from Emperor Marcus Aurelius to Commodus. He assumed many high-ranking positions as a vice-consul, then worked in Syria as a commander and then governor of the region of Gaul (currently France), Sicily, Austria and Hungary, given that when he had children from his late wife, she began to show He had women to marry, and during a period, which was a biographical collection about the history of the Roman emperors, he heard that a woman of Syrian origin named Julia Domna (Historia Augusta) had ruled Gaul, and in the year 187 AD it was mentioned that
Shembas, a royal family in the Roman state of Syria, was prophesied that she would marry a king. Consequently, Severus sought to marry her in 187 AD, and they were blessed with two sons.
The first: Lucius Septimius Bassianus, later called Caracalla, who was born in 188 AD, and Publius Septimius Geta, who was born on March 7, 189 AD.
His installation as emperor
He moved to be Commander-in-Chief of the Roman forces in Pannonia. At that time, the Praetorian Guard staged an uprising against Emperor Perthenax and assassinated him on March 28, 193 AD. The guards announced that the crown would go to the one who would give them the greatest bid, and some commanders submitted their offers of giving to the soldiers. He offered to give each soldier an amount of 12,000 drachmas when he sat on the throne. He broke Roman custom and entered in April 193 AD. With his military forces in Rome, even though he wore civilian clothes, the Senate then announced that he was named emperor...

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