From the sayings of Rabindranath Tagore
From the sayings of Rabindranath Tagore 1--1473
Rabindranath Tagore, the famous Indian poet, writer and philosopher, has made many wonderful and inspiring sayings. Here are some of his most notable sayings:
1. “Do not close your door to the sun to feel the presence of darkness.”
2. “Truth lives, but not in the shape and form that we believe, but in the inner spirit that feels it.”
3. “Feeling grateful makes life richer and more beautiful. Consider every moment in your life as a gift and thank heaven for it.”
4. “Freedom cannot be a mere guardianship. Freedom must be a responsibility.”
5. “If you sing alone, you sing only. But if you sing for others, you sing with the entire universe.”
6. “Teaching is not filling a jar, but lighting a fire.”
7. “Creativity is born from silence, and wisdom grows from contemplation.”
8. "Don't stand on the sidelines and wait for the perfect path. Start walking and you will find the path."
9. “Love is the fuel that feeds the fire that lights life.”
10. “Truth does not come from raised hands, but from open ears and an enlightened mind.”

Source: websites