Enki and the world system...
Enki and the world system... 12684
The cuneiform composition, with very clear mythological lines, entitled “Enki and the System of the World,” is considered one of the most important texts in Sumerian literature. Dating back to around 1900 BC, its contents have been recently reconstructed from various materials - mostly found in Nippur - and are today scattered in various museums.
The very long text constitutes a long panegyric to the god Enki, interspersed with episodes of great social, economic, mythological, and religious significance. Unfortunately, the loss of the last verses prevents us from knowing the end of the legend.
- sir! - The writer began to say -. Sublime in the entire universe! Sovereign by nature and its own virtue! Venerable Enki, lord of foundation, born of the bull, born of the aurochs! Yes! Your father is Heavenly An, who can be impressively compared to bulls and ferocious aurochs, true prototypes of divine power!
After these words, the scribe delivered a long panegyric in honor of Enki, which he interrupted at intervals.
-You are dear to Enlil the great mountain, master of the flood, sacred lover of Anne, you are truly a king, Enki, you are a tree of the month planted in the Abzu, you are the ruler of the earth. You stand tall in Eridu, the oldest Sumerian city, like a proud dragon whose shadow shades the world. You are a lush forest whose branches spread throughout the country.
- Enki, master of opulence Anunna, the seed of heaven, whom Ahn loves so much.Nudimmud, mighty in Echor, powerful in heaven and earth. You possess an unrivaled palace, standing in Abzu, in the Primal Abyss, in the Freshwater Realm, a palace that forms the great pillar of heaven and earth.
- With one look, Enki, you disturb the mountain from which monsters, deer, and wild boars emerge. To the meadows, to the foothills of the mountains, to the impenetrable iridescent sky, direct your gaze, like lawful reeds.
- You are the one who counts the days, places the months in your house, and seals the years. When each one is finished, she presents to the council, in the Chamber of Fates, the exact decision and announces the ruling to everyone.
Venerable Enki, You are the King of all mankind. Once the words are done, everything becomes abundant and opulence comes to earth. Your trees laden with fruit, the trees you have propitiated, decorate and enrich the space reserved for the gods. The same applies to your chosen lambs and sheep. And when you work your fields, heaps and heaps remain in them. In the countryside, shepherds and stables distribute rich and clear milk, the shepherd joyfully adjusts his song, and the shepherd patiently taps the milk skin. And you ritually arrange all their products on the plates of the gods' dining room.
- Having prepared the goods for the divine beings, your word also fills the young man with strength, like a bull goring in the arena. At your words, the beautiful young woman adjusts her charming headdress that everyone admires. On the other hand, Enlil gave you , the great mountain, the joy and joy of lords and kings in their hearts
“I am the indisputable master of order, I am the first in the universe, I am at the top of everything. By my command, the manger was built and the sheep pens were fenced. If I touch the sky, good rains fall, if I touch the earth, waters rise, and if I touch the green meadows, heaps of grain pile up, all at my command.
- The gods Anunna, with their eyes fixed on Enki, all silent, nodded at the god's words. Then he reminded them how he built his Abzu temple
“In a holy place I built my palace and my sanctuary. I gave it a suitable name. At Eridu, at the mouth of the waters, I built Abzu, my sanctuary, and assigned her a happy fate. Its shadow extends over the tranquil lake, where, among the sweet plants, the mashed sauerkraut, a large fish, shakes its gills. Through the reed beds the carp move their tails and the many birds sing in their nests. Those in charge of the sanctuary come to me and remain silent before My Majesty. Various priests purify themselves with water in my presence. Then they sing their sacred songs and incantations. Words of prayer fill Abzu.
— Afterwards, Enki spoke in his strong voice to the Anunna about his wonderful boat.
—“Know that my boat, which I call “Crown of Abso Suede,” happily takes me wherever I want to go. Above the high lake, my favorite place, he swings his wings, and raises his bow towards me, and his rowers know how to row well, to the sound of rhythmic songs, so that the river shouts for joy. Its captain, Niemjerseg, raises his golden staff to rule the two boats, the “Chamois Crown of the Abzu.”
- Having said these words to Alununa, Enki decided to proceed to visit all his regions and thus prepare his destinies appropriately, for the time had come for it.
—“My dear Anona, I say goodbye to you. I want to leave. I will tour my country, organize it and determine its fate. Rejoice!
- Then Enki told them that he would visit all of Sumer first. He brought his people rich products from Magan, a distant country on the edge of the ocean, and from Dilmun,

the reviewer
Amores, J. L. (2023). The Sumerian Gods: Volume One. Between heaven and earth. Based on Assyriology. ISBN: 979-8859303960
Amores, J. L. (2023). The Sumerian Gods: Volume Two. Between heaven and earth. Based on Assyriology. ISBN: 979-8859545308