The oldest Amazigh tribes
The oldest  Amazigh tribes 12686
The Amazigh tribes, in short, are “very” because from each tribe a group of tribes descend... I will mention only examples of them.
For example, the tribe of Europe or Warba... a well-known tribe, as King Axel was called the European... and it is a tribe whose influence extended from Tripoli to Tangier.
Its ruler before the Islamic conquest was Sakardid ibn Zughi ibn Barzat, and after her Kusila ibn Lazm al-Uribi, who was ruler over the entire Pyrenees, then Dihiya, queen of the Aures.
This tribe, for example, descends from the Great Pyrenees tribe
From the Great Pyrenees tribe we find:
Orba tribe, Kutama, Sanhaja, Masmouda, Origa... and several other tribes.
For example, we take the Sanhaja tribe (from Libya through Tunisia and Algeria to Morocco and Mauritania), from whose lineage several states were established that ruled in North Africa: for example, the Almoravid state, the Zirid state, and the Hammadiyah state...
Note: The Banu Mazghana tribe is from the branches or branches of the Sanhaja.
Another example...the Zanata tribe, a Amazigh tribe
The Amazigh tribes of Battar (Madgis), from which descend, for example, the Louata tribe, and from the wombs of the Louata tribe, the Nafzawa tribe, from which descend, for example, Walhasa, Sumata, Majarra, and Rasf...etc.
We return to the Zenata tribe, which is an Amazigh ethnic group from North Africa (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Libya). According to the historian Ibn Khaldun, the Zenata tribes were nomadic and sedentary, as well as city builders.
Zenata clans and tribes: Banu Yafran, Ziyanians, Marinids, Maghrawis
Examples of countries that were descended from the Zenata dynasty:
The Zayaniyah state in Tlemcen
The Emirate of Beni Medrar, with its capital, Sijilmasa
The Wattasian state in Al-Aqsa Morocco
Marinid, whose capital was Fez
Emirate of Beni Khazron in Tripoli
Emirate of Jabal Nafusa and Al-Nakur
Emirate of Nun in Granada

Source: websites