Sumerian myth
Sumerian myth 1--1477
The Sumerian legend tells that the gods were exhausted by the large number of tasks entrusted to them and became full of complaints, so the god “Enki” invited them to a large party attended by all the gods. The party was for the sake of creating a human being who would bear the burden for the gods and serve them. Wine was circulated at the party and Enki drank his sacred wine. The party was filled with delicious intoxication, which lifted the secrets and feelings of the gods, and they chanted the name of “Enki” who thought of creating man.
Enki is one of the most important gods in Sumerian mythology, later known as Ea or Ea in Akkadian and Babylonian mythology. His worship began as the great shepherd of Eridu in Sumer, then his worship spread throughout Mesopotamia, extending to the lands of the Hittites and Hurrians. He was the god of crafts, professions, crafts, and inventions (gesham), of intelligence and wisdom (gestu, literally “ear,” an ancient connection between hearing and understanding), fresh water, fertility, and creation (nudimmud: no, semi, dem mod, carrying, i.e. “ The bearer of likeness,” which is man, and this is an ancient origin of the religious concept in the Abrahamic religions that man was created in the image of the Lord, that is, the creator of the soul and body, and he is the healer who recovers from diseases (the god of medicine). He is the reviver of the dead, and the protector of human civilization and human existence. The sacred number of his name is "40".

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