The story of Adam and Eve is just a myth
The story of Adam and Eve is just a myth 2-74
Have you ever thought rationally in your life that the story of Adam and Eve might be just a myth? Have you considered the possibility that it is a fictional story with no basis in truth?
Think with me for a moment without prejudice. Have you ever seen a woman created from a man's rib?
In light of the development that science enjoys, the abundance of scientific books in libraries, and the electronic knowledge we have and openness to the world, many of the questions that people ask are considered simple and intuitive, and yet they are never asked because they are considered taboo.. We can be certain. The question itself is considered taboo in Arab society. However, I believe that people today do not have any excuse of any kind for not searching for the truth.
There are many ideas that are taken for granted, many are the stories that we have always believed even though they are just myths that have no scientific basis, and if they had a basis like the myth of Adam and Eve, the birth of a woman from a man’s rib would have continued to this day and science would have found a logical explanation and definition for it and considered it. It is an axiom and I was the first to believe it.
What makes a human being different from other living creatures is the mind, that is, his ability to think and contemplate, and his ability to question and challenge certainties. Is it possible for a story like this to pass unnoticed by the mind? It is possible if a person is ignorant or ideologically out of his mind.
The story of Adam and Eve is a purely human invention. Its origins are Sumerian, and it is one of the oldest civilizations known to man. It is a story like all distorted stories, but its peculiarity is that it is a story that changed the course of the entire world.
The story of the creation of Eve from Adam without giving birth is a story that contradicts science and is not accepted by reason and logic. Modern science tells us about the creation of man as a complex process, evidence that man is one of the most complex and creative things that nature has created, in addition to the fact that the human body has a complex mechanism. A mystery in itself, rich scientific material that calls on scientists and people in general to constantly search for the secrets of themselves first, then their desire to develop themselves and science with the aim of others benefiting from it. I am surprised today that we in our Arab countries are still absolutely certain that such stories are true and do not accept discussion or scrutiny.
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It is no longer a secret to anyone that a person cannot give life only by his desire. A person cannot give life alone, whether a woman or a man. The process requires two bodies of different sexes, that is, a woman and a man, without any sexual relationship between them. This equation is difficult to achieve. Difficult and enjoyable at the same time, we cannot create life if what is called fertilization does not take place, that is, the living sperm must penetrate the egg, knowing that it is not always a successful process, because it requires compatibility between the sperm and the egg. Successful fertilization, then, is our reason for Existence, whatever our gender, if this process had not been carried out correctly, with all its biological stages and complexities, we would not have all been created.
The story of Adam and Eve is a purely human invention, its origins are Sumerian, and it is one of the oldest civilizations known to man. It is a story like all distorted stories, but its peculiarity is that it is a story that changed the course of the entire world, established the principle of male superiority and legitimized the inequality between humans and the injustice to which women are exposed to this day. this.
It also legislated for the principle of sin, which makes a human being a sexually complex, and therefore aggressive, restricted human being, with the feeling that his body belongs to his society and not to him, that the body is private and should be covered and ignored. It is not enough for him to restrict thought, but it also restricts the body, so the restrictions make him unable to think. And on creativity because his mind is obsessed with sex, which makes him not look at women as a human being does to a human being, but rather as an instinctive, animal predator, and thus he suffers in silence from feelings of guilt and sin for just thinking about sex and just because his body demands it, that is, with biological desire.. Why do we suppress Our nature?
I have always been skeptical that the story of Adam and Eve is a fairy tale, but I did not come across books that confirmed for me the doubts my mind had reached, until I read a group of books about myths, ancient and ancient civilizations, and religions, such as the books of Firas Al-Sawah, Pierre Yovanovitch, and other writers. Neutrals, I was convinced that the story was just a lie, a slander, and a distortion of the myths of the ancients, and I was certain that the truth never dies no matter how hard we try to hide it.
Restrictions are against freedom, against life, against humanity, restrictions are against human happiness, so we must be freed from them. Searching for truth is the beginning of liberation
The true legend of Adam and Eve is none other than the legend of Enki and Ninhursag, two of the great gods of Sumerian mythology. This story is found in texts found in the form of cuneiform tablets. It was translated by specialists in the Sumerian language and analyzed to reveal that it is not much different from the story of Adam and Eve that was mentioned in all the holy books. Today the painting is located in the Louvre Museum in Paris, where the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is located, in addition to many valuable antiques that monitor the entire history of humanity.
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What I did not know was that the typeface of the new text, which would determine the fate of entire generations, was a sexually impotent man, sick of women because he was unable to exercise his biological instinct like all human beings. Therefore, we cannot deny that the idea of distortion is a very clever idea that entrenches patriarchal authority and makes religion a means of subjugating women and making them an eternal slave to men simply because they were created from his rib. Not only that, but it also made man reject the body and made it one of the greatest sins.
Restrictions are against freedom, against life, against humanity, restrictions are against human happiness, so we must be freed from them.
Searching for the truth is the beginning of liberation.

Source : websites