The 19 strangest people in the world, you can't believe they live with us.
The 19 strangest people in the world, you can't believe they live with us. 2-102
Here is a list of the most strange human beings in the world. We also uniquely published the strange secret lives of five famous historical figures. Here are the most strange, unique and distinguished human beings ever.
Every person is born with their own unique traits, however, the genes passed down to us may sometimes be stronger than usual, take a look, be prepared to be shocked and determine for yourself who is the strangest person in the world, the strangest human beings in the world
Distinctive pictures show a group of people who can be described as a unique breed. The 19 strangest people in the world:
Sajid Al-Gharibi - the most muscular bodybuilder:
Sajid Gharibi looks like a cartoon character or some kind of superhero because of his size. Sajid is an Iranian bodybuilder.
The 19 strangest people in the world, you can't believe they live with us. 2-196
Sajid Al-Gharibi has the most muscle mass of any human being
Sajid Al-Gharibi's muscles weigh in at 390 pounds of pure muscle. Some people even refer to him as the “Persian Hulk.” Sajid Gharibi makes sure to eat a full breakfast while also making sure to get in plenty of fruits and vegetables. This gives him the energy he needs to get it all out.
Maria Jose Crestrna:
Maria got the nickname Jaguar Maria José Cristerná because of the tattoos that cover most of her body. Maria drew her first tattoo at the age of 14.
Mariah has over 95% of her body tattooed and has even earned the title of “Most Tattooed Woman in the World” from the Guinness Book of World Records.
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Maria José Cristerná has the most tattoos in the world
Not only that, Maria had her body modified to have a split tongue, subcutaneous implants, piercings, ear expansions, and dental implants. It should come as no surprise that she owns her own tattoo studio, a clothing line called Mujeres Vampiro ("Vampire Woman"), and, strangest of all, she's also a lawyer.
Nick Vujicic - Man Without Borders:
He is a motivational speaker born with tetra-amelia syndrome. This means that he was born without arms or legs. All he had in terms of limbs was a false leg referred to as "chicken legs."
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Nick Vujicic
However, in reality he is a role model of perseverance and challenge now as a husband and father of four children.
Tom Staniford - the slimmest cyclist in the world:
Tom Staniford is an accomplished cyclist known, although it's not just for his skills. He was born with a rare disease, MDP syndrome. He is only one of eight people in the world to develop it. This prevents his body from storing subcutaneous fat, due to his lean appearance. Muscle tone is also 40% lower than the average man.
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Tom Staniford
This ended up making him the most famous and skinniest cyclist in the world. Although he's still good at it.
Uncle Hajji - the dirtiest man alive:
When they say "dirtiest man alive" they mean it. Uncle Haji has not bathed in 65 years! This 85-year-old man lives in Dezhgah village in Iran. He lives a fairly low-tech life, cooking things like porcupine carcasses.
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My mother Hajji
His only notable possession is a three-inch steel pipe that he uses to smoke tobacco. His skin is brown and scaly from all the dirt covering it. And he just has to smell something bad.
Joey DeGrandis - Steel Memory:
Joey has a superhuman memory. Joey is one of only 100 people in the world with Super-High Autographic Memory (HSAM). This means that he is able to remember any information that happened to him during his life with 100% accuracy.
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Joey DeGrandis
Despite the fame and uniqueness of this feature, people with HSAM often complain of depression and anxiety, and are often associated with it.
Zlata - the most flexible woman in the world:
Known by her stage name Zlata, Julia Gunthel is known as the most flexible woman in the world, at least according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
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Zlata is the most flexible woman in the world
The secret to her success, outside of training in general, is that her ligaments and perhaps her bones have not stiffened with age. According to doctors, she has baby ligaments.
Francisco Domingo Joaquin - The widest mouth in the world:
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Mr. Joaquin is able to extend his mouth up to seven inches. This may seem small, so here's a simple example for you to realize how big his mouth is.
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The widest mouth in the world
Mr. Joaquin can fit a whole can of Coca-Cola in his mouth.
Velu Rathakrishna - Human Tow Truck:
There was a guy on this list who was considered inhumanly strong because of his muscles, but for him this “human tow truck” is all in the jaws. In 2003, he pulled two KTM trains weighing 574,964 pounds.
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Velu Rathakrishna holds the heaviest object pulled with human teeth
It still holds the record for the heaviest object ever pulled with human teeth and it's hard to believe someone will surpass it.
Thai Ngoc - The Man Who Never Sleeps:
The recommended length of sleep for every healthy adult is about eight hours, but Thai Ngoc's body apparently did not receive this information.
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Thai Ngoc, the man who never sleeps
Tai suffers from severe insomnia because he doesn't even get to blink. Normally, the sleep cycle is so important that people will start hallucinating after a few days, and will probably die after a few more days.
Thai Ngoc is said to have gone about 46 years without sleep. However, he does not seem to suffer any ill effects. He even does more manual labor than a man who sleeps in a day.
Kim Goodman - The woman whose eyes can pop out of their sockets:
When you get hit hard in the head, they often say figuratively that your eyes "pop out of place" but after Kim Goodman was hit in the head with a hockey stick, that became almost literal. She had already realized that every time she yawned, her eyes would appear like this.
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Kim Goodman, the woman whose eyes bulge out
After a little practice, Goodman actually learned how to do this in her daily life even when driving. It seems a bit dangerous or painful, but she doesn't seem to have any problem doing it.
Carlos Rodriquez - lost half of his skull:
Carlos Rodriguez does not appear to have decision-making skills due to the loss of a large portion of his skull.
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Carlos Rodriguez, who lost half of his skull
Carlos lost a large portion of his skull after crashing into a tree. He was driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, and ended up with the nickname “Halfy.”
Supatra "Nat" Sasovan - The hairiest girl in the world:
We've seen the hairiest guy in the world, but what about the hairiest girl? Supatra Sasovan is a girl from Thailand who has a rare condition that causes her hair to grow in places where it normally wouldn't.
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Supatra Nath is the hairiest girl in the world
This may have made things a little difficult for Nat, at least at first, but she didn't let it get her down, as a matter of fact, she didn't consider herself any different from anyone else. Although she has since shaved off the majority of her excess hair since marriage, it does not mean that her hair will not grow back.
Sanju Bhagat - A man whose twin lived inside him:
In a rare incident, Sanju Bhagat lived most of his life with a bloated stomach. It looked like a pregnant man, but that wasn't exactly what the problem was.
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Sanju Bhagat is the man who carried his twin inside him
When he was 36 years old, he started having difficulty breathing due to his growing stomach. He was taken to the hospital for emergency surgery. Doctors thought he had a tumor, but it turned out it was a developing fetus.
It is a rare medical condition where a fetus develops inside another fetus. This occurs when one twin becomes trapped inside the other while still inside the uterus. As it turns out, Behcet had been carrying his twin brother for a full 36 years.
Unique people birthmark:
This person has a rare skin condition called Nevus, basically.
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Giant birthmark
This huge mark on his back, shoulder and chest is called a birthmark. And all of this is because the hair grows in this strange way, as if it turns into a wolf.
Eye remains:
This is a condition called persistent constitutional membrane, or PPM. Basically, part of the fetal membrane remains on the eye after the baby develops.
The 19 strangest people in the world, you can't believe they live with us. 2-----38
Remnants of the fetus's eye
It does not affect vision and is certainly not life-threatening. But it seems a bit strange.
This man likely has a medical condition called genu recurvatum, which causes the knees to basically form on the back side of the leg, causing them to bend in the opposite direction as well.
The 19 strangest people in the world, you can't believe they live with us. 2----100
Knees on the back side
As such, this guy ends up with this natural situation.
These two sisters were born with completely opposite genes:
The 19 strangest people in the world, you can't believe they live with us. 2-----39
You may not have heard of it before, as it is rare, but it turns out that any of us can be born with the full genes of one parent, while our brothers are born with genes from the other parent. This is what happened to these two sisters.
Extra hole ear:
For years, this man was aware of the fact that he had an extra piercing in his ear, but he didn't think much about it. One day, he decided to ask someone to take a picture of him so he could get a better look.
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Extra hole ear
And when he did he was incredibly surprised! The hole is small, and doesn't seem to affect much of his daily life, but it's definitely a unique genetic trait.
This person was born without a cartilage nose:
We all have some sort of unique quality and ability, and this guy's is that he doesn't have cartilage in his nose. At first glance, no one would think that this is the thing to want.
However, as soon as he pressed his finger to his nose, he could instantly show that he was born with a very special feature. We can only imagine how people are stunned every time he uses the little trick to show his uniqueness.

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