Pyramid buildings in the Canary Islands
Pyramid buildings in the Canary Islands 1-716
The post deals with the pyramid buildings in the Canary Islands - Spain 🇪🇸
There are several studies on Libco-Berber writing spread across the island, especially Tenerife
But today's talk is about the pyramids and special facilities on the island, especially Guimar
The pirámides of Güímar
If we go back to ancient sources, just...
Hanoun of Carthage, who visited the Canary Islands with his companion from Carthage, said: “They found there large, ancient stone structures belonging to the peoples who lived on the islands in the past, which may be considered ancestors of the Guanches, in the same islands where the Libyan Canary script is found.”
We also find in Guimar terraced pyramid structures, which are 6 pyramids, the largest of which is 12 meters high, distributed over 4 islands, and the two most important pyramids have been damaged. The exact date of these pyramids is not known, with conflicting studies about what dates them back to the Bronze Age, that is, 3000 years before our current era. Studies have generally agreed on their antiquity, especially since the Berber Guanches continued to inherit the architecture of these pyramids until the 16th century AD.
According to what was observed in their graves, which the inhabitants of the island call “Magano.”
It was also recorded that there are writings in pictures 3 and 4 of a style that was used by the Guanches. It is also believed that these pyramids may have had an agricultural role. There are also many studies about the direction of the pyramids as well as the method of construction.
The site was transformed into a museum open to visitors, which he opened in the nineties
Norwegian researcher Thor Heyerdahl
You can read about some of the problems, such as the inscription and the Maganus pattern, in what was stated at:
The Canarian Majanos: dry stone agricultural structures that have become “pyramids”
We also find mention of the pyramids at
Hähnel, Walter B. (1993): Die Pyramiden von Güímar
Aparicio Juan, Antonio; Esteban López, César (2005): Las pirámides de Güímar: mito y realidad
Tejera Gaspar, A. (1994): Son prehispánicas las pirámides

Source: websites