Breathtaking moments...
Breathtaking moments... 1-718
These are the moments of discovery of Ashurbanipal's library, which H. Wells, in his book “Outlines of History,” said: “It is the most valuable source of historical materials in the world. If we know that it was established in the seventh century BC, and included more than 30 thousand clay tablets, it would indeed be the most valuable, oldest, and largest library known in ancient history.”
It was discovered by archaeologist Austin Henry Layard in the period between (1849-1953) AD.
The library and its remaining contents and panels were transferred to the British Museum in England
The library consisted of many shelves of various sizes that included thousands of clay tablets in various literary, legal, medical, astronomical, and commercial fields. The Epic of Gilgamesh was one of the collections of Ashurbanipal’s library.
The first library in the world was the library of Ashurbanipal from Mesopotamia, and therefore Mesopotamia is the cradle of civilizations!

Source: websites