A vision of the future seven centuries ago
A vision of the future seven centuries ago 1----247
An article published by Ibn Khaldun. It is an excerpt of a future vision seven centuries ago.
Ibn Khaldun wrote it in his famous introduction. He saw what we could not see even as we live in our present era. It is one of the masterpieces of Ibn Khaldun, the pioneer of sociology in the world. He said in it:
“When countries collapse, there are many astrologers, beggars, hypocrites, pretenders, scribes, gossipers, cacophonous singers, melodious poets, frivolous people, magicians, drummers, hypocrites, fortune tellers, palmists, praisers and satirists.
And passersby and opportunists, masks are revealed and what is not mixed is mixed, appreciation is lost and management is poor, meanings and words are mixed, honesty is mixed with lies, and jihad is mixed with killing.
When states collapse, terror prevails, people take refuge in sects, miracles appear, rumors spread, and friend turns into enemy and enemy into friend.
The voice of falsehood becomes louder and the voice of truth fades, suspicious faces appear on the surface and sociable faces disappear, dreams become scarce and hope dies, the estrangement of the rational person increases, and the features of faces are lost.
The voice of the wise gets lost in the noise of preachers and bidding on belonging.
Everyone becomes alert and waiting, the situation turns into migrant projects, the homeland turns into a travel station, the pastures in which we live into suitcases, homes into memories, and memories into stories! "
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May God have mercy on you, Ibn Khaldun. Have you been spying on our future? You were able to see what we have not been able to see to this day!

Source: websites