Announcement of a collective publication: Contributions to the analysis and evaluation of the Amazigh language textbook
Announcement of a collective publication: Contributions to the analysis and evaluation of the Amazigh language textbook 13--19
The Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture invited participation in the collective publication “ Contributions to the Analysis and Evaluation of the Amazigh Language School Book” within the framework of the Institute’s keeping pace with the experience of teaching and learning the Amazigh language in Moroccan schools.
The importance of this collective book, according to the institute, lies in the fact that it aims to provide scientific knowledge about the school book for the Amazigh language subject in terms of its architecture, its cognitive and value contents, and the pedagogical and didactic approaches adopted in its writing. The contributions will be an opportunity to study, analyze, and evaluate the process of building the textbook and its learning activities (reading, writing, entertainment, etc.), and the possibilities it offers for developing the targeted basic competencies (communicative competency, linguistic competency, cultural competency); This is done by combining, on the one hand, field research by practicing educational actors with theoretical research by researchers in the fields of educational sciences, didactics, and pedagogy, on the other hand.
“What are the characteristics and features that are unique to the textbook for the Amazigh language subject? What are the pedagogical and didactic developments brought about by the recent revision of the textbook for the subject? To what extent do the learning activities included in the textbook contribute to developing communicative competencies in the Amazigh language for male and female learners?
This collective author seeks to involve researchers and those interested in educational affairs in relation to the Amazigh language subject in Moroccan schools.
Announcement of a collective publication: Contributions to the analysis and evaluation of the Amazigh language textbook 13-39
It also aims to achieve a set of goals, including:
– Enriching scientific research in the field of didactics and pedagogy of teaching the Amazigh language subject;
- Contributing to the study, analysis and evaluation of:
The engineering and pedagogical and didactic approaches adopted in preparing the textbook for the Amazigh language subject;
Contents of the school book for the Amazigh language subject:
Experiences in writing the school book for the Amazigh language subject.
– Conduct a comparison between new/updated textbooks for the Amazigh language subject and their old versions;
– Highlighting the developments brought by the school book for the Amazigh language, in its new version, within the scope of the subject’s position within the language pole as stated in the curriculum;
– Proposing ideas and recommendations that open new scientific horizons that lead to improving the textbook for the Amazigh language
subject. Teaching the Amazigh language subject.
Announcement of a collective publication: Contributions to the analysis and evaluation of the Amazigh language textbook 13-36
In order to approach this problem and deepen thinking about its elements and manifestations, the Institute proposes the structured themes of this collective work as follows:
- The first axis: The textbook for the Amazigh language: theoretical and methodological issues.
This axis attempts to cover the theoretical and methodological aspects related to book making and writing its contents, so that research at this level will highlight the various problems and issues that must be brought to bear and invested in the process of producing the school book for the Amazigh language subject, as well as the technical and procedural conditions framing this process.
- The second axis: The textbook for the Amazigh language subject: analysis of contents;
The work of this axis focuses on analyzing the contents of the school textbook for the Amazigh language, while recalling the approaches and methodologies adopted in analyzing the content, both qualitative and quantitative, with the aim of becoming acquainted with the development of school knowledge contained in the textbook for this subject.
- The third axis: Issues related to teaching-learning activities and pedagogical approaches.
This axis aims to shed light on the different dimensions of educational-learning activities such as reading, writing, recreational activities, etc., with a focus on the pedagogical approaches adopted to conduct and accomplish these activities, as well as the conditions and constraints in which these activities are carried out.
– Fourth axis: comparative studies and research.
The fourth and final axis of this collective book deals with comparative studies and research related to the textbook, especially those related to academic subjects that fall within the scope of the language pole, with the aim of understanding the position of the Amazigh language subject among the components of this pole, as specified by the curriculum for primary education for the year 2021.
Announcement of a collective publication: Contributions to the analysis and evaluation of the Amazigh language textbook 13--20
• Article editing standards
: The title of the article must be clear;
- The article presents a clear problem for the study;
In its approach to the topic, the article should be based on theoretical and methodological principles that rely on analysis and evaluation.
- Care must be taken to review concepts and terminology.
- The author of the article should not make prior value judgments in his analysis and evaluation.
- The article must have an introduction and a conclusion.
The number of pages of the article should not exceed 25 pages, including references, tables, and appendices.
- The article must not have been previously published;
- The bibliographic references should not be fixed in their entirety within the text or in the footnotes. Rather, it is sufficient to fix them inside the text by indicating, between two dots, the name of the author (yen), followed by the year of publication of the reference referred to; Where appropriate, the relevant page number(s) shall be added to them. In the case of multiple authors, the first is indicated, followed by the phrase 'et al.', in italics.
- Complete references are presented, arranged alphabetically by authors’ names, at the end of the article (without going beyond the page);
• Editing languages:
– Amazigh, Arabic, French.
• Timetable :
– Abstracts of articles will be sent no later than May 15, 2024;
Owners of accepted projects will receive notification of acceptance of their entries between May 15 and May 30, 2024.
The deadline for receiving final articles is November 4, 2024 .
The final response to authors of articles accepted for publication is between December 1 and December 15, 2024.
Note: The articles are presented to the jury, and their authors receive, if accepted for publication, a symbolic financial compensation.
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