The Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture honors director and producer Abdelaziz Oualsayeh
The Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture honors director and producer Abdelaziz Oualsayeh 13-40
In celebration of World Theater Day, and within the framework of the interest that the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture gives to creators and artists, the latter honored the Moroccan director and producer, Mr. Abdelaziz Oualsayeh, at the Institute’s headquarters, in recognition of the efforts of decades of giving and creativity in the artistic and cinematic fields.
The ceremony honoring Al-Sayeh came during the activities organized by the Center for Artistic Studies, Literary Expressions and Audiovisual Production, including organizing a training course in the field of “Techniques for preparing theatrical performance” from March 25 to 29, 2024, under the direction of Professor Masoud Bou Hussein, in addition to an artistic evening consisting of a presentation of a play. “Belmaut” directed by Mr. Mohamed Shahir.
Director Abdelaziz Oualsayeh, born in 1972 in Belgium, is considered one of the prominent cinematic names that shaped the features of Moroccan cinema speaking the Amazigh language. He is also considered one of the first to contribute to building the edifice of Amazigh film in its prominent form, and added to Moroccan filmography a group of successful artistic works.
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Awal Sayeh joined several film clubs in his homeland, where he honed his talent to begin his artistic career as an actor in several cinematic works, entering the world of audiovisual production through his founding of the Ayouz Verion Company, which embraced and produced many cinematic figures.
Director Abdelaziz Oualsayeh received several honors, in recognition of what he presented during his years of work in Amazigh cinema and theatre. He also won several major awards at the Kasni Ourorg, or Amazigh Film Festival in Ouarzazt. He was also crowned with the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture Award for feature-length films, and received certificates of competence for His distinguished contributions in the field of directing.
The Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture honors director and producer Abdelaziz Oualsayeh 13-49
Oualsayeh is considered one of the founders of the Tifaouine Group and its pioneers who rushed to create a qualitative breakthrough in the Amazigh cinematic field. He and the rest of the group formed an integrated work unit that changed the direction of art and directed it towards prominence and catching up, through several artistic channels that mixed drama, melodrama, humor and music. It gave a mixture of paintings that are now considered among the best presented by Moroccan cinema.

Agadir : Ibrahim Fadel