Opening of the Amazigh Library “Juba II in the Canary Islands”
Opening of the Amazigh Library “Juba II in the Canary Islands” 1--305
Inauguration of the Amazigh Library “Juba II” and the Documentation Center in the Canary Islands, by the Canaria Association for Amazigh Culture Asociación Canaria de la Cultura Tamazight
The opening announcement stated that the aim of this is to introduce the ancient past of the Canary Islands and understand the identity of its people, by introducing the enormous cultural legacy left by the Amazigh.
The aim of building and reconstructing this edifice is also to organize programmes, seminars and meetings to establish and consolidate relations between the Amazigh and to strengthen the Canarian identity...
Under the slogan “Come to know and research your Amazigh heritage”
Opening of the Amazigh Library “Juba II in the Canary Islands” 0--10
The Amazigh issue, in its simple and uncomplicated sense, is the issue of a people who inhabit their land and not the land of anyone else, who have a culture different from others, and history bears witness to them that they did not invade a country for the love of money and colonialism, but rather fought in defense of their land. But today he is being subjected to extermination on his land and in all its forms

Source: websites