Enki is one of the gods of Mesopotamia
Enki is one of the gods of Mesopotamia 1----102
According to the Sumerian texts, Enki was one of the gods of Mesopotamia, known as the god of the wind, and he was the son of Anu, the god of the sky, who was also the most powerful of all the gods. Now, Anu, Enlil and Enki belong to the most powerful trinity of gods on earth in the same order.
This god was known for the gift of wisdom and extremely peaceful behavior, such that he never resorted to violence to solve problems. In addition, he devoted himself to prayer, and was very methodical and careful.
All the meanings they attribute to their names
EA, god of waters and seas, lord of the earth, protector of humanity, god of arts and wisdom, well-formed, good lord, Nudimod, cloner, creator of humanity.
The life and deeds of the god Enki
The god Enki was distinguished by his visionary and progressive mind and devoted most of his time to studies on marine engineering, genetic manipulation, and cloning of species, including the creation of Homo sapiens, which is why he was known as “Homo sapiens.” Creator of humanity.
Later, it was he who alerted humanity to the great global flood caused by Enlil due to the atrocities they committed, however, as Enki was full of many qualities, he was also one of the most murderous gods.
On the other hand, one of the most prominent aspects of his life was the competition between him and his brother Enlil over inheriting his father’s throne. Since it suited him to be the eldest son and not Enlil, his son Marbuk, synonymous with rebellion, built the Tower of Babel, which Enlil later ended up demolishing to show his power

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