Tales of the Sixth Dynasty
Tales of the Sixth Dynasty 11308
The Sixth Dynasty continued to rule for two centuries, its last dynasty in the Old Kingdom.
Stories and secrets revealed by the ancient Egyptian through his great civilization, which extends back thousands of years, and still fascinates the world until now. From time to time, one of the mysteries of that history that extends over several centuries is solved. Some of them were recorded on the walls of temples in the time of ancient Egyptian writing, and others were not recorded, but It is revealed by archaeological treasures emerging from the ground.
Our story today is about the Sixth Dynasty, whose kings appear to have assumed rule of the country without revolutions erupting or major disagreements. Its rulers remained on the throne for nearly two centuries, and its founder is believed to be King Sahtepe Tawi Teti. We do not know about His rule is only a little.
As we know that every new founder must be a man of strength and power, but the face mask that the archaeologist “Koebel” found near the pyramid temple of “Titi” in Saqqara, its features indicate that this king was a man of soft character, if it is true that this mask was made. He made an imitation of his own face, not of another human being.
After this ambiguity, a boy king named “Bibi” appeared on the throne of the country. He continued to hold the reins of power in the country with strength and determination for nearly half a century. He is considered one of the greatest rulers who has firmly and actively controlled the situation in Egypt in all eras of its history.
After Pepi I, his eldest son, Maren Ra, took over the country, and he was still a boy, according to the Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt by Dr. Selim Hassan. This king’s title was “Muhti Umm Saf,” which means “God is Mahti, his protector.” He did not remain on the king’s throne for more than seven years. He died when he was still in the early twenties of his life, and there is no dispute that he began building his pyramid immediately after assuming power, as is the case with all the kings of this era, and we will see that the man who was supervising this work was “Wani.”
All evidence indicates that King Merna Ra died while he was still in the beginning of the second decade of his life, and was succeeded on the throne by his brother Pepi II. Manetho mentioned to us that he sat on the throne of the country when he was six years old. He ruled until he was 100 years old, so he ruled for about 94 years.
Pepi II was succeeded by another ruler called Mernare Mahti-im-Saf, but we do not know anything about his rule. After him, as Manetho says, a queen named Nitocris, who was considered the most beautiful woman of her time, assumed the throne. We will review with some of the kings of the Sixth Dynasty, each king in a separate post, along with everything we know to collect about each king.

Source: websites