Conquest of the Kingdom of Aures in the second campaign (539 AD)
Conquest of the Kingdom of Aures in the second campaign (539 AD) 13-143
Patrice Suleiman was appointed and it was certain that he would take revenge on those who had caused his downfall and now, because of his strength and the soldiers he had equipped, he began the process again. The war against the Berbers, which had been neglected for 4 years by a great expedition into the Eurasians, again as in the year 535 AD, approached. Suleiman came from a vast mountain mass and its vanguard was under orders. Gontareth, one of his officers, came to take up his position. The enemy (i.e., the Berbers) in the mountain range boldly descended into the plain and attacked the army of the Greeks and Byzantines. Gontareth was defeated. The vastly superior forces had to retreat to his camp there, and soon She found herself besieged by the Berbers and prevailed to resist him. They could not imagine anything better than that, turning them towards the Roman fortifications, turning the entire plain into an impassable swamp.
Part {4} Fortunately, Suleiman came in time with the army to liberate them. He completely prevented them from positioning themselves where he had placed them and chased the natives who did not care to wait for him. Then he realized that it was necessary to return to the old tactics and withdraw to the highest and most difficult areas of the mountain. He tried to attract The Byzantine army was to follow, but Suleiman, who had learned experience, refused to lend this maneuver instead of trying painfully to reach the barbarian king.
Conquest of the Kingdom of Aures in the second campaign (539 AD) 13-144
(Pages 90-91) After a few days, the end of the campaign was the fall of the Aures and the pacification of the country was completed, less apparently. Moreover, to ensure the results of the campaign and to prevent any offensive return from the formidable opponent that had just been defeated, Suleiman understood that it was necessary to occupy the country, and by his orders Suspicions rose in the interior and at the foot of the Auras they must maintain respect for the natives and ensure ownership of the empire.
To clarify: The Aures fell due to the betrayal and treachery of two Berber leaders who allied themselves with the Byzantines, and one of them at the end remained neutral, and all of this was due to personal disputes among them, without mentioning their names and regions. However, their followers, who were relied upon by the Byzantine military commander Suleiman in his reconnaissance of the Aures Mountains at the end, did not provide accurate information to Suleiman. On the contrary, they were conveying the information to Ebdas, king of the Aures, and Suleiman described them as treacherous barbarians because they did not betray their brothers. Then after that, Suleiman relied on himself
The Aures was besieged by closing all the entrances so that the Berbers would not be able to participate with their brothers in the Aures. On (pages 245-246) the door to the invasions from the Setif region and from the south was completely closed, until then they stopped on the northern slope of the Aures mountains and a new line of forts was established on the south side. The desert borders to serve as a wall against the Berbers (meaning the Tuareg Berbers), as well as Zab and Bisra (Biskra) in the Qantara district. Cependant, leurs partisans, sur lesquels le commandant militaire byzantin Soliman s'est appuyé lors de sa reconnaissance des montagnes de l'Aures à la fin, n'ont pas fourni d'informations précises à Soliman. Au contraire, ils ont transmis l'information à Ebdas, roi des Aurès. , et Suleiman les a décrits comme des barbares perfides parce qu'ils n'ont pas trahi leurs frères. Puis, après cela, Suleiman s'est appuyé sur lui-même.
L'Aures fut assiégée en fermant toutes les entrées pour que les Berbères ne puissent pas participer avec leurs frères dans l'Aures. En (pages 245-246) la porte aux invasions de la région de Sétif et du sud fut complètement fermée, jusque-là ils s'arrêtaient sur le versant nord des monts de l'Aures et une nouvelle ligne de forts fut établie du côté sud des frontières du désert pour servir de mur contre les Berbères (c'est-à-dire les Berbères Touareg), ainsi que Zab et Bisra (. Biskra) dans le quartier de Qantara. That is why they were prevented from giving a helping hand to the people of Auras to prevent them from uniting into a common and massive community
Conquest of the Kingdom of Aures in the second campaign (539 AD) 101111
Bottom line: After the invasion of the Aures in the first campaign in 535 AD and the defeat of the Byzantine army after 4 years, the second campaign was launched to invade the Aures. The Aures remained semi-independent under the leadership of King Yabadas, and the Donatist raids against the Byzantine camps did not stop. After 10 years, the Berber clans and kingdoms allied in one army. Against the Byzantines in 546 AD, after there was an alliance between the Berber clans and kingdoms in the 6th and 7th centuries, there was alternation and negotiation of the rule that the strongest clan was chosen and installed, and this remained the case even during the rule of the Awreba clan, the tribe of King Axel, and after The rule passed to the Jarawa Zanatiya clan, the queen Dahia tribe...