.. Gods of love
.. Gods of love 1--320
In mythology:: The goddess of love is the third and final mother in the trinity of fertility gods. While the Earth Mother symbolizes the physical aspects of femininity (such as breasts, womb, and childbearing), and the Mother Goddess represents the maternal aspects (such as compassion, kindness, and sensitivity), the Goddess of Love epitomizes her emotional side (such as desire, lust, and devotion).
Mentioned in ancient civilizations: -
1. Inanna/Ishtar: Mesopotamia, 4000 BC She is the goddess of sexual love, known as the “Mistress of Heaven.” Her beloved consort was Dumuzi (god of fertility), but she had many lovers in her life. Her most famous legend was when he tried to seize the underworld from her sister Ereshkigal, which led to the death of her lover, Dumuzi.
2. Isis: Ancient Egypt; 2600 BC. She is the goddess of magic, who has sovereignty over life and death. She became the wife of Osiris (the god of fertility), and together they ruled ancient Egypt. However, their evil brother Set killed Osiris, trapping him in the underworld. He became the god of the dead, while Isis became the "mother of the pharaohs" (a divine lineage said to be descended from her).
3. Rati: Hinduism (ancient India), 1700 BC. She is the goddess of love, desire, and sexual pleasure, and her name means "enjoyment." She represents the pleasure side of love, not the motherly side. She is often depicted riding a parrot while carrying a sword, revealing her warrior side. She was born to Prajapati (the Creator), and later married to Kama (the God of Love).
4. Anahita: Persian (Iran), 1000 BC. She is the goddess of fertile waters, sex, and wisdom. She was the patroness of prostitutes and one of the most popular deities in Persia. She is depicted as a beautiful woman dressed in royal garb and wearing gold jewelry. The dove and the peacock were her sacred birds, while two lions were her guardians
5. Aphrodite: Ancient Greece, 750 BC. She is the goddess of love, beauty and passion. She was born from Uranus and is described as having a body that embodies feminine perfection. Her symbols included roses, doves, birds and swans, which helped her fly through the sky.
6. Xuannu: Ancient China, 200 BC. She is the goddess of war, longevity and sex. She possesses magical powers, including the ability to make herself invisible. Her full name means "Mysterious Woman of the Nine Heavens", and she is described as a beautiful woman with snow-white skin, wearing white gowns studded with pearls.
7. Freya: Norse (Sweden), 700 AD. She is the fertility goddess who ruled over love, battle, and death. She was the sister of Freyr (the god of fertility) and the daughter of Niord (the god of the sea). She was passionate about sex, beauty and expensive jewelry. But apart from her fun side, she was also a völva (Sidr practitioner). This magical art allowed her to manipulate other people's fortunes.
8. Lada: Slavic (northeastern Europe), 980 AD. She is the goddess of love and fertility. It welcomes spring, fertilizes the land in summer, and oversees the fall harvest. She is the patroness of mating (in both animals and humans). She is depicted as a tall, voluptuous woman with wavy golden hair and wreathed in a crown on top of her head.
9. Claudna: Celtic (Ireland), 1000 AD. She is the goddess of love, beauty, light and happiness. She was one of the fairy folk of Ireland, and later became known as the "Queen of the Banshees" (the weeping woman with the power of foresight).
10. Oshun: Yoruba (Nigeria), 1100 AD. He is an Orisha (Yoruba god) who controls fertility, beauty, love and sensuality. It is also associated with the art of divination and fortune-telling. It is considered to be the sexual spark that creates life, and is often called upon to help people with infertility problems.
11. Xochiquetzal: Aztecs (New Mexico), 1350 AD. She is the youthful goddess of fertility, beauty and sexual sensuality. She encouraged making love for pleasure, not as a means of procreation. She was often dressed luxuriously and perfumed with flowers (in fact, her name means "precious feather flower").
12. Uniata: Iroquois (Northeast America), 1450 AD. She is the goddess of corn who embodies beauty, sexuality and fertility. It is associated with the melting of snow at the end of winter, and the flowers open in early spring. She is described as having eyes as dark as pools, skin as light as snow, and hair as bright as the sun.

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