?What is the origin of the creation of Eve from Adam’s rib, the separation of heaven from earth, and the creation of Adam from clay
?What is the origin of the creation of Eve from Adam’s rib, the separation of heaven from earth, and the creation of Adam from clay 1---1218
Let us read part of this epic of the first creation:
((When in the highest heaven there was no name
And the firm ground below
FD has not yet been named
There was only...
Absar the Eternal
Who gave birth to them
And transactions - MMO
She is the one who gave birth to them all
And it was water
Blending as one body
They were not reed huts
It's broken
It was not swamps
has appeared..))
This is what Anki says:
((Oh mother, the creature whose name you spoke exists
Attach an image of the goddess to it
Mix the heart of the clay that is above the hollow
Good creators are satisfied with clay
Nenemakh, the mother goddess, will work with you from above
The Goddess of Birth will stand with you in your creation
Oh mother, decide the fate of this newborn
Nenemakh (Mother Earth Goddess) will
The template of the gods is tied to him..)).
According to the Sumerian creation myth, the universe was called (En-Ki), which is a compound word meaning (Heaven-Earth). In this duality, (Ann - the sky) is considered a symbol of masculinity, while (Ki - the earth) is a symbol of femininity, and from their union was born (Enlil, the god of air).
Then Enlil separated the heavens from the earth, and made his father independent, while he took possession of his mother, the earth. (Samuel Noah Kramer p. 84)
This act reminds us of the Oedipus myth, which developed into the Oedipus complex, which occupies the minds of all psychologists, as promoted by Sigmund Freud.
Sumerian creation myths continue to emphasize the active role of the female, as we find the goddess Ninlil, after having intercourse with Enlil, gives birth to the moon, and he in turn gives birth to the sun. From reviewing all these myths, we find that the female gods always had the upper hand, and were on a par with the male gods, and the task of creation was not entrusted to one god, as (Enki) came to complete the work of his ancestors, as his mother called him (Nammu) after he was asleep. :
((My son, arise and create for us servants of the gods so that they may produce their likeness)... Then (Enki) gave her a recipe for the creation of humans. This is how humans were created at the request of a female goddess...
Thus, the work of the male and female gods proceeded harmoniously and complementary to each other, without competition and in acceptable partnership. In another legend, we find (Enki) complaining of pain that struck one of his ribs, so a god was created for him to heal him called (Nin-Ti), whose literal name translates to (the rib goddess). The word (Ti) means the rib or the life-giving one, and from here comes the description of the goddess (Nin-Ti) (the lady who gives life or the lady of the rib).
((((This also reminds us of the legends of the Torah and the creation of (Eve) from (Adam’s) rib).))))
“Aynana” to the Sumerians, which was called “Ishtar” by the Akkadians, is the Great Mother and the symbol of femininity that was worshiped in all countries, and in the beginning in southern Iraq (the marshes region in particular). She was the feminine symbol of creation and the expression of fertility. Her union with Dumuzi, the symbol of masculinity, meant the return of life.
Here is a ruqyah that was used at birth, and it contains a description of how man was created from clay by a female deity, Aruru, when she was transformed into what is called Mami:
((You are the first and eternal womb
You are the creator of humans
Create, then, Lulu
To bear the yoke........
Let it be made of clay
Let the blood come to life...)
The Sumerian Encyclopedia is the eye of truth

Source: websites